Class in the Boehner Led House


Not only did he react appropriately and avoided any implication of a political slant to his messages regarding the Arizona shooting, but he continues to show he is a strong and classy leader. Very impressive that the decisions were made to delay critical votes, especially those associated with repealing health care reform. While this is a critical issue, as each day that passes allows additional measures to take effect, and each day of inaction delays signaling to businesses that this burden will not hold, it is still the right thing to do. Can you imagine if this was still Pelosi's call? I suspect the decision would be different.

Class act and the right response! make no mistake, this is NOT the 111th Congress.

Indeed it is a new day in the Congress.

I can imagine Pelosi's statement would go like this: This is a sad day and we grieve at the senseless loss of one of our own at the hands of a Republican operative. Tho we are saddened, we must continue doing the people work, and we must pass some more legislation so we can all see what's in it.

Indeed it is a new day in the Congress.

I can imagine Pelosi's statement would go like this: This is a sad day and we grieve at the senseless loss of one of our own at the hands of a Republican operative. Tho we are saddened, we must continue doing the people work, and we must pass some more legislation so we can all see what's in it.

Keep your twisted imagination to youself, crumbeater. You have alot of explaining to do after running away from a thread where you shot your mouth off, only to get slapped across the teeth.

You have proven to be a little coward in addition to a sick and weak member of the herd.

I think someone (you) just cut and ran from a thread and is now trying to hide after an epic smack down.

4dazedandconfused, is that shit true? You get a good smacking around, and you go and run?
Do like the 'turds say to do, "Man up, man up"
Oh yeah, that ain't possible in your case, is it, twinkie?

Indeed it is a new day in the Congress.

I can imagine Pelosi's statement would go like this: This is a sad day and we grieve at the senseless loss of one of our own at the hands of a Republican operative. Tho we are saddened, we must continue doing the people work, and we must pass some more legislation so we can all see what's in it.

Ha! That would be funny if it was not so sadly accurate!

Yeah some real class and leadership shown here by Boehner, I guess gettin his drink on was more important than the peoples business, what a fake.

John Boehner, House speaker, picks RNC cocktail party over Tucson, Arizona shooting memorial
House Speaker John Boehner is taking heat from some Democrats after skipping out on Wednesday's memorial service for the shooting victims in Arizona and instead hosting a cocktail party for the Republican National Committee.

The Ohio Republican turned down President Obama's invitation to travel on Air Force One to Tucson, Politico reported.

"It is disrespectful for Speaker Boehner to skip joining the President's and bipartisan congressional delegation to the Tucson Memorial so he could host a Washington D.C. cocktail party for RNC members," a Democratic leadership aide told the political website.

Boehner held a 7 p.m. cocktail reception for 168 RNC members who are in Washington for an annual meeting. The event, which took place at a Maryland resort, was sponsored by the Ohio Republican's political action committee

Well, why not? You guys think everything is Bush's fault.

Very rich coming from you . . . Especially when you have run around this board with your hair on fire blaming President Obama for everthing that is wrong in America today.

Oh wait, I forgot, you live in Sarah Palin's 'real' America.


Very rich coming from you . . . Especially when you have run around this board with your hair on fire blaming President Obama for everthing that is wrong in America today.

Oh wait, I forgot, you live in Sarah Palin's 'real' America.


Good idea, BN. Thanks. I'll go and ask Obama for it. He knows everything, right? Or should I say "He knows everything, left", right?