Class Action Suit against RUST CONSULTING


Let's Hold them accountable , follow the paper trail of the money , see where the money has been lingering , if they have earned undue interest on the money , why they have taken 4 months to process once they got the money , See if they truly distribute 100% of the funds as they are supposed to .

So please keep filing the BBB complaints as well as contact the MN attorney general's office so when this gets to court one day their will be ample evidence of shoddy dubious business practices because face it RUST CONSULTING SUCKS as an claims administrator & chances are very high indeed that members from other class actions that had to be subjected to their shenanigans would also join in !


Let's Hold them accountable , follow the paper trail of the money , see where the money has been lingering , if they have earned undue interest on the money , why they have taken 4 months to process once they got the money , See if they truly distribute 100% of the funds as they are supposed to .

So please keep filing the BBB complaints as well as contact the MN attorney general's office so when this gets to court one day their will be ample evidence of shoddy dubious business practices because face it RUST CONSULTING SUCKS as an claims administrator & chances are very high indeed that members from other class actions that had to be subjected to their shenanigans would also join in !

You're an idiot.

Let's Hold them accountable , follow the paper trail of the money , see where the money has been lingering , if they have earned undue interest on the money , why they have taken 4 months to process once they got the money , See if they truly distribute 100% of the funds as they are supposed to .

So please keep filing the BBB complaints as well as contact the MN attorney general's office so when this gets to court one day their will be ample evidence of shoddy dubious business practices because face it RUST CONSULTING SUCKS as an claims administrator & chances are very high indeed that members from other class actions that had to be subjected to their shenanigans would also join in !

If you want to make a quick $1000, just sue Rust consulting in your local court (assuming you do not live around MN). Your local court will serve them civil papers by certified mail and Rust will need to defend in your local court. Do you think they will pay an attorney to prepare a defense, show up for court and defend for $1000 or under? You have cause for your action so most likely you will win because they will not show up. They will owe you $1000. Now imagine if 50 people did this. They would get the picture quickly.

If you want to make a quick $1000, just sue Rust consulting in your local court (assuming you do not live around MN). Your local court will serve them civil papers by certified mail and Rust will need to defend in your local court. Do you think they will pay an attorney to prepare a defense, show up for court and defend for $1000 or under? You have cause for your action so most likely you will win because they will not show up. They will owe you $1000. Now imagine if 50 people did this. They would get the picture quickly.

Idiot. r*****. Moron.

If you want to make a quick $1000, just sue Rust consulting in your local court (assuming you do not live around MN). Your local court will serve them civil papers by certified mail and Rust will need to defend in your local court. Do you think they will pay an attorney to prepare a defense, show up for court and defend for $1000 or under? You have cause for your action so most likely you will win because they will not show up. They will owe you $1000. Now imagine if 50 people did this. They would get the picture quickly.

smart. very smart. very very smart.

Yeah right you moron like i'm sure they'd pay to countersue & on what grounds for stealing our money ? crawl back in your hole fucking idiot rust mole

Well, they could file counter suit for false charges/claims or defamation. They show paper trail with explanation while using the high-priced lawyers they no doubt already have on retainer.

Real or not, you honestly think they don't have the means to legally prove the delay is legitimate? Not all companies are Novartis, which just drops its pants at each lawsuit.

And in the countersuit all legal fees would be tacked on to YOUR tab, thereby not costing them a thing really.

But please, prove me wrong. Go file the suit.

Well, they could file counter suit for false charges/claims or defamation. They show paper trail with explanation while using the high-priced lawyers they no doubt already have on retainer.

Real or not, you honestly think they don't have the means to legally prove the delay is legitimate? Not all companies are Novartis, which just drops its pants at each lawsuit.

And in the countersuit all legal fees would be tacked on to YOUR tab, thereby not costing them a thing really.

But please, prove me wrong. Go file the suit.

Hah ! great PR , high priced lawyers against a bunch of unemployed reps
trying to justify why Rust consulting confiscated / absconded with 66 million dollars
for 4 months . Yes I will file a suit so RUST consulting can demonstrate what incompetent
boobs they are that requires or justify 4 months to calculate 7K checks with existing formulas long in place !
" You're honor if it pleases the court we will demonstrate without a shadow of a doubt why Rust consulting are inept claims admin's so that futher settlements steer clear from this mickey mouse outfit" !!
Bring on diklick !!!!!!

Hah ! great PR , high priced lawyers against a bunch of unemployed reps
trying to justify why Rust consulting confiscated / absconded with 66 million dollars
for 4 months . Yes I will file a suit so RUST consulting can demonstrate what incompetent
boobs they are that requires or justify 4 months to calculate 7K checks with existing formulas long in place !
" You're honor if it pleases the court we will demonstrate without a shadow of a doubt why Rust consulting are inept claims admin's so that futher settlements steer clear from this mickey mouse outfit" !!
Bring on diklick !!!!!!

I will pass on the "diklick" you are bringing on. With your intelligence no doubt you carry more viruses than a Taiwanese whore. But I look forward to reading about your lawsuit. Haha! Like you've actually got the stones to do it. Pussy.

Called Rust this AM. Still holding to the "by the end of October, checks will be in hand" line. Told me that if I didn't have it by next Monday to call back again and get a "mailed date." Wouldn't give me any amount or other info. Did tell me though that the "change of address date" has now passed and claimants can no longer change their mailing addresses...

Filing $1000 claim in the local court & doing the paperwork which is very simple
Every one of the 7000 OT claimants need to get off their asses & file local claims against the morons at Rust Consulting & see how quick they will re-evaluate further sandbagging of $$$$ when faced with thousands of litigants in 40+ states.
Rust Consulting are a bunch of lying thieving scamming sheisters in the mold of Bernie Madoff. Karma will be a bitch to this bunch of miscreants

The payouts involved here are much more complicated than you seem to think. Multiple areas with different time periods covered, different values for each area, all based on the earnings level of +/- 100K - which many people were probably very close to and could have crossed over during said period - changing their payout going forward from that point, employees that were only here for part of the time, etc.

I'm sure their attorneys can come up with a few dozen more reasons this took more time than initially thought. Better check your lawsuit dollar level as well - many states will make it go through an arbitrator first before a bench trial judge decides you have no reason to whine so much about free money and makes you cover their costs as well. At least you'll have your check by then and you can give it back to them - maybe you can get even and not pay them for a couple months!

Quit crying and wait for your money.

The payouts involved here are much more complicated than you seem to think. Multiple areas with different time periods covered, different values for each area, all based on the earnings level of +/- 100K - which many people were probably very close to and could have crossed over during said period - changing their payout going forward from that point, employees that were only here for part of the time, etc.

I'm sure their attorneys can come up with a few dozen more reasons this took more time than initially thought. Better check your lawsuit dollar level as well - many states will make it go through an arbitrator first before a bench trial judge decides you have no reason to whine so much about free money and makes you cover their costs as well. At least you'll have your check by then and you can give it back to them - maybe you can get even and not pay them for a couple months!

Quit crying and wait for your money.

Wah Wah Wah what is Rust consulting like some boiler room rinky dink outfit ?
Hire some fucking low paid wage donkeys to do simple arithmetic !
Like it's so hard to add A+B . I'd actually enjoy hearing Rust attorney's trying to
articulate their incompetence (while actually scamming interest on 10's of millions)
Lazy greedy Jerk Offs , no wonder China is cleaning America's clock .
I give your pathetic reply a D- almost as low as NVS's overall F