class action lawsuit?


When everything was going on w/ BLM during covid, Novartis did such a great job hiring people of color, and donating to HBCU’s. They hired a lot in the PCP division, now they are getting rid of PCP. Wonder if there will be a class action law suit?


When everything was going on w/ BLM during covid, Novartis did such a great job hiring people of color, and donating to HBCU’s. They hired a lot in the PCP division, now they are getting rid of PCP. Wonder if there will be a class action law suit?

what does skin color have to do with getting rid of a division?

When everything was going on w/ BLM during covid, Novartis did such a great job hiring people of color, and donating to HBCU’s. They hired a lot in the PCP division, now they are getting rid of PCP. Wonder if there will be a class action law suit?

kind of racist to think POC would be immune from a layoff.

perhaps Novartis should have focused on the business instead of PC politics. Maybe they wouldn’t have to make cuts.

Geez people. When the time comes to push you out, who gets pushed out will be ALL OVER THE PLACE. No rhyme, rhythm, pattern. This is by design, to make it pretty much impossible for the displaced to sue.

Whatever you identify as, some of your identity group will be pushed out, some will be retained.

Just enjoy the next few weeks doing whatever it is you are or are not doing.

When everything was going on w/ BLM during covid, Novartis did such a great job hiring people of color, and donating to HBCU’s. They hired a lot in the PCP division, now they are getting rid of PCP. Wonder if there will be a class action law suit?
Here we go again with the racist posts. Seriously- crawl back into you hole you loser! Did you lose your wife/ girlfriend to minority or were you just born stupid?

Geez people. When the time comes to push you out, who gets pushed out will be ALL OVER THE PLACE. No rhyme, rhythm, pattern. This is by design, to make it pretty much impossible for the displaced to sue.

Whatever you identify as, some of your identity group will be pushed out, some will be retained.

Just enjoy the next few weeks doing whatever it is you are or are not doing.

Researchers at Japan's Osaka University studied salivary cortisol levels and other physiological responses and found that music, especially music with a major (rather than minor) tone, is correlated with lowered stress as well as feelings of happiness.