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Class Action Lawsuit - Compliance Urology terminations


Awesome news.

I would love to hear more. I think Allergen would lose on a number of key points, but like most everything else, the person/organization with the most resources wins. They can drag anything out long enough, because they can afford to. We are just little people with lives to live in the mean time. The professional advice i sought, advised that I 100% have a case. But, with what is owed to me, I'd have nothing in the end after taxes and fees. I would have to do it as a matter of principle. Class action is tricky and very unlikely. Unfortunately I've witnessed first hand, when pressed on key issues Allergan's council has convenient amnesia, ignorance, then they become obstructionist. Stating they'll look into an inquiry, then do nothing. All because they got their butt handed to them in just simple inquiry conference call. To those of you let go, they HAVE NOTHING!!! The quote from a very competent Ivy League employment attorney was: "I'm utterly shocked at how little they have." The argument they are using is: "it's common sense what was done was wrong." If it was one or two people maybe they have a point, but 20+% of the sales force? And we all know it was much higher than that. Throw in allocations, then look out! Anyone that spends a little time getting to know the division would see through that argument pretty quick. It would just take tens-of thousands of dollars, time and a high emotional investment to get there.

I would love to hear more. I think Allergen would lose on a number of key points, but like most everything else, the person/organization with the most resources wins. They can drag anything out long enough, because they can afford to. We are just little people with lives to live in the mean time. The professional advice i sought, advised that I 100% have a case. But, with what is owed to me, I'd have nothing in the end after taxes and fees. I would have to do it as a matter of principle. Class action is tricky and very unlikely. Unfortunately I've witnessed first hand, when pressed on key issues Allergan's council has convenient amnesia, ignorance, then they become obstructionist. Stating they'll look into an inquiry, then do nothing. All because they got their butt handed to them in just simple inquiry conference call. To those of you let go, they HAVE NOTHING!!! The quote from a very competent Ivy League employment attorney was: "I'm utterly shocked at how little they have." The argument they are using is: "it's common sense what was done was wrong." If it was one or two people maybe they have a point, but 20+% of the sales force? And we all know it was much higher than that. Throw in allocations, then look out! Anyone that spends a little time getting to know the division would see through that argument pretty quick. It would just take tens-of thousands of dollars, time and a high emotional investment to get there.

Google Warner Chilcott lawsuit

I would love to hear more. I think Allergen would lose on a number of key points, but like most everything else, the person/organization with the most resources wins. They can drag anything out long enough, because they can afford to. We are just little people with lives to live in the mean time. The professional advice i sought, advised that I 100% have a case. But, with what is owed to me, I'd have nothing in the end after taxes and fees. I would have to do it as a matter of principle. Class action is tricky and very unlikely. Unfortunately I've witnessed first hand, when pressed on key issues Allergan's council has convenient amnesia, ignorance, then they become obstructionist. Stating they'll look into an inquiry, then do nothing. All because they got their butt handed to them in just simple inquiry conference call. To those of you let go, they HAVE NOTHING!!! The quote from a very competent Ivy League employment attorney was: "I'm utterly shocked at how little they have." The argument they are using is: "it's common sense what was done was wrong." If it was one or two people maybe they have a point, but 20+% of the sales force? And we all know it was much higher than that. Throw in allocations, then look out! Anyone that spends a little time getting to know the division would see through that argument pretty quick. It would just take tens-of thousands of dollars, time and a high emotional investment to get there.

Google Warner Chilcott lawsuit

Unfortunately while the WC stuff is disturbing, it's not related here. What happened to urology was a cost savings measure on the backs of their people when yearly payouts were due. I happened to both reps and managers. But, the reps of course paid the highest price. They're shrewd business people that exploit their families if it meant a profit.

Unfortunately while the WC stuff is disturbing, it's not related here. What happened to urology was a cost savings measure on the backs of their people when yearly payouts were due. I happened to both reps and managers. But, the reps of course paid the highest price. They're shrewd business people that exploit their families if it meant a profit.

That's preposterous. If this is true, weren't they "lucky" they had a bunch of cheaters to get rid of. Dumbest thing I've ever heard.

That's preposterous. If this is true, weren't they "lucky" they had a bunch of cheaters to get rid of. Dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Convienient how a 6 month investigation wraps up in 3 days, right before the annual payouts. After they changed everything in the 12th hour in December, hoping catch ppl. They didn't. They get rid of tenured ppl, don't pay managers. What is hard for you to understand? Legally they're in the wrong. Way more intelligent people than us on the matter have confirmed this. It's just a matter of having the resources to fight a billion dollar company. If you think you're better than anyone let go, I hope the Darwin principle strikes you down before you pollute the gene pool further. The whole division is and was a scam.

Convienient how a 6 month investigation wraps up in 3 days, right before the annual payouts. After they changed everything in the 12th hour in December, hoping catch ppl. They didn't. They get rid of tenured ppl, don't pay managers. What is hard for you to understand? Legally they're in the wrong. Way more intelligent people than us on the matter have confirmed this. It's just a matter of having the resources to fight a billion dollar company. If you think you're better than anyone let go, I hope the Darwin principle strikes you down before you pollute the gene pool further. The whole division is and was a scam.

Have you read your employee agreement? There is a clause for unpaid commission that allows for arbitration versus bench trial. The money spent in arbitration would be much less and also allows for an arbiter to make the company pay all legal and filing fees if they see it as you say they would/do.

Just a thought. Go get yours.