Circling the drain???


Is it just me but does it seem that Hospira is circling the drain? Stock down, product shortages, pump problems, ridiculous expectations, forcasts, customers jumping ship...etc. WTF?

Isn't it time for more management accountability, and not the "make the reps do more paperwork" to justify their stupidity and incompetence. Making ridiculous goals to make themselves look good has ruined the morale of those of us who GENERATE business vs. the morons who spend it! In these economic times with everyone cutting costs, does Project Fuel rig a bell, "management" should be happy with a 15-20% increase in revenues, not greedy with the 30+ they've promised to the "big boys" who haven't a clue about reality. Regardless of meeting goals or not, they get their bonuses and we get squat.

Time to re-evaluate and practice what you preach.....INTEGRITY....which starts at home!!!
Do the right thing boys and girls.

Integrity is out the window. Numbers is the game and the beat downs will continue. I, for one, believe a good leader should lead by example. The examples I see and hear from mgmt. are not what one would consider high in the interity department.

They lack more than just integrity. The bullshit has to stop! Treat people with respect and dignity and they will return the same. Trust and respect need to be earned. Our management team, in my estimation, has earned nothing but distrust, and a lack of respect.

Mike Ball talks a great is cheap.

i lost what little respect for mgmt. i had a long time ago...maybe when MW took over after the debacle with the consent decree....and now the fda is back and will hospira use this to further close plants and move overseas......respect is a two way street and mgmt. is going the wrong direction....

Senior leadership knew that the if they followed the playbook that Bain and McKinsey handed them they would destroy employee morale but just consider it collateral damage in their quest to loot the company. They really do not give a fuck about the vast majority of the people that work under them and have demonstrated that on numerous occasions.

But we both attended....even the 2010 sales meeting before we left. (very $$$$rich$$$$ and terry had his concern about his loss of retirement benefits covered) Don't you understand that you were honored with our presence? We even mingled with you guys. Don't you understand?

Senior leadership knew that the if they followed the playbook that Bain and McKinsey handed them they would destroy employee morale but just consider it collateral damage in their quest to loot the company. They really do not give a fuck about the vast majority of the people that work under them and have demonstrated that on numerous occasions.

Senior leadership knew that the if they followed the playbook that Bain and McKinsey handed them they would destroy employee morale but just consider it collateral damage in their quest to loot the company. They really do not give a fuck about the vast majority of the people that work under them and have demonstrated that on numerous occasions.

Senior leadership???? Senior maybe..old...leadership.....HELL NO!!
They care only with lining their own pockets, we are just pawns in the game.

Fuck 'em all, and the horses they rode in on!

....and now the fda is back and will hospira use this to further close plants and move overseas......

That is going to happen regardless of any FDA action.....those plans were in the works long ago.

BUT......which Hospira plants are the only ones without FDA issues right now? Oh yeah, the ones in India. So maybe it's not such a bad thing....