Christmas Party


Top prizes

Dinner with C.E.O.

1 40 Hour Work Week

3 weeks work/life balance, must be consecutive

1 pass to be excused from QBR

1 2 snack per visit to the snack area

Avon Gift Basket donated by H.R.

Free Chest XRay after breathing toxic Regeneron fumes during construction

Be an Alchemee Worker for a day (just work your 3 hours 10-1 with lunch)

might be worth it to stay until 4:00 at the party.

Second Prizes:

Face painting
Colonoscopies without anesthesia
USB chargers with Taro logo
Balloon animals
Cotton candy
$5 gift certificate for Wendy's
All expenses paid trip to Palestine
Free iPhone 5
Gift certificate to Blockbuster

Top prizes

Dinner with C.E.O.

1 40 Hour Work Week

3 weeks work/life balance, must be consecutive

1 pass to be excused from QBR

1 2 snack per visit to the snack area

Avon Gift Basket donated by H.R.

Free Chest XRay after breathing toxic Regeneron fumes during construction

Be an Alchemee Worker for a day (just work your 3 hours 10-1 with lunch)

might be worth it to stay until 4:00 at the party.

Ain’t nobody take QBR seriously anyways