Chris - What Happened? You started SO well!


Chris, you started so well and said all the right things! However, PLEASE refrain from talking about how we are now empowered or free to make decisions that will drive business. All the talk of "going after the business" and "making smart business decisions" and not being driven by activity metrics falls on deaf ears when you have a Sr. Management team that micro-manages the company to a screeching halt every other day. Perhaps you are not even aware of the folly that occurs at the sales level each day. When business comes to a halt because a ridiculous spreadsheet has to be completed within one day, listing every speaker program to occur for the next year, then something is seriously wrong. The process was such a joke! The timeline was so impossible that everyone just started making things up. Then we were told to provide a list of every Expert-on-Demand program (all 50+ of them) for the next year within the next 24 hours. Hang on Mr. DM, let me get all those physicians on the phone! Who is kidding who? All this is made up! All for the sake of managing the speaker's budget and justifying a tool!! Our competition continues to steal our speakers because we keep pissing them off. They are securing our program spots because it's March and we dont have a budget! Oh wait, we have some money now Mr. speaker. Oh you already signed with J&J? Damn. Our bad. Hey, what the heck, how about throwing on some more meaningless LOS modules for us since we dont have time to sell during the day. Its not like we have to attend strategic planning sessions (six months too late), complete our new TMnet profiles, do our Development Plan (That's always a joke), Do our 2012 Max Plan, try to get Vista to actually list our targets, enter everyone in a office into Vista for the Sunshine Law, meet with our Hospital partners to hear more about the "organized customer", etc... Yes, please stop me from selling and force me to tell you every office I am going to conduct an Expert-on-Demad program in over the next year! Mgmt to us - "No, TELL ME NOW DAMNIT! YOU MUST KNOW THIS!" Here is a novel idea, give your DMs a budget and let them manage it! if they don't drive results, hold them accountable. STOP the MICROMANAGEMENT! We cannot sell if you and your Sr. Mgmt team keep putting obsticles in our way! STOP pulling us from the field to complete spreadsheets. If you want a business plan from us, lets do it in Novemeber. A plan in April after most of our budgets are already committed or spent is nuts and worthless! It makes us wonder if anyone is even steering the ship. We all thought Bob leaving was going to be a good thing. Starting to wonder. Pick a management style and stick to it! You may want to check your generals and see that they are as well. - Signed Frustrated and Looking!

Was the most truthful post I ever read.
jnj, Pfizer and bms are going to out manage and play us.
it wont even be a fair fight.
the fact that bi mgmt couldn't begin 2012 the way we were aggressive and smart in 2011 shocks me.
way to drop the ball mgmt and keep your reps in quick sand watching all our hard work be flushed down the toilet.
Take your ondemands, webcasts, etc., and light it on'll
Get better results..

Was the most truthful post I ever read.
jnj, Pfizer and bms are going to out manage and play us.
it wont even be a fair fight.
the fact that bi mgmt couldn't begin 2012 the way we were aggressive and smart in 2011 shocks me.
way to drop the ball mgmt and keep your reps in quick sand watching all our hard work be flushed down the toilet.
Take your ondemands, webcasts, etc., and light it on'll
Get better results..

Seriously? JnJ out manage and play??? They've had a product that's been in the turds versus Pradaxa for 5 months, are they out playing us????? Dumb-ass.

Chris, you started so well and said all the right things! However, PLEASE refrain from talking about how we are now empowered or free to make decisions that will drive business. All the talk of "going after the business" and "making smart business decisions" and not being driven by activity metrics falls on deaf ears when you have a Sr. Management team that micro-manages the company to a screeching halt every other day. Perhaps you are not even aware of the folly that occurs at the sales level each day. When business comes to a halt because a ridiculous spreadsheet has to be completed within one day, listing every speaker program to occur for the next year, then something is seriously wrong. The process was such a joke! The timeline was so impossible that everyone just started making things up. Then we were told to provide a list of every Expert-on-Demand program (all 50+ of them) for the next year within the next 24 hours. Hang on Mr. DM, let me get all those physicians on the phone! Who is kidding who? All this is made up! All for the sake of managing the speaker's budget and justifying a tool!! Our competition continues to steal our speakers because we keep pissing them off. They are securing our program spots because it's March and we dont have a budget! Oh wait, we have some money now Mr. speaker. Oh you already signed with J&J? Damn. Our bad. Hey, what the heck, how about throwing on some more meaningless LOS modules for us since we dont have time to sell during the day. Its not like we have to attend strategic planning sessions (six months too late), complete our new TMnet profiles, do our Development Plan (That's always a joke), Do our 2012 Max Plan, try to get Vista to actually list our targets, enter everyone in a office into Vista for the Sunshine Law, meet with our Hospital partners to hear more about the "organized customer", etc... Yes, please stop me from selling and force me to tell you every office I am going to conduct an Expert-on-Demad program in over the next year! Mgmt to us - "No, TELL ME NOW DAMNIT! YOU MUST KNOW THIS!" Here is a novel idea, give your DMs a budget and let them manage it! if they don't drive results, hold them accountable. STOP the MICROMANAGEMENT! We cannot sell if you and your Sr. Mgmt team keep putting obsticles in our way! STOP pulling us from the field to complete spreadsheets. If you want a business plan from us, lets do it in Novemeber. A plan in April after most of our budgets are already committed or spent is nuts and worthless! It makes us wonder if anyone is even steering the ship. We all thought Bob leaving was going to be a good thing. Starting to wonder. Pick a management style and stick to it! You may want to check your generals and see that they are as well. - Signed Frustrated and Looking!

So True. We should have had speaker budgets in Jan! Now stop with the excel spreadsheets.... let me run my terriotry.... and let me $ELL!

To the op-

++ rep. Never was more truth said so succintly on cp.

I don't mind the admin work when there is a direct correlation to my job and to my sales. Doing bs work for bs' sake is just what it When is the "lets check the box" mentality going to end and give the sales force the autonomy to drive sales without micromanaging metrics?

Example..80/80 is gone...right? Then if that is the case, why is management so up in arms about the frequency variance report? Maybe some of the reps are actually trying to be honest and drive sales where they can get access and not enter bs calls to show activity at offices, where truthfully, there may be SOME access, but not open access. Not only that, lets not forget the first rule of sales: 80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers. Let us focus on the 20% to increase sales, not run around and hit call goal metrics that have little to no impact on our territory's bottom line. Arghhh

End of rant....

Was the most truthful post I ever read.
jnj, Pfizer and bms are going to out manage and play us.
it wont even be a fair fight.
the fact that bi mgmt couldn't begin 2012 the way we were aggressive and smart in 2011 shocks me.
way to drop the ball mgmt and keep your reps in quick sand watching all our hard work be flushed down the toilet.
Take your ondemands, webcasts, etc., and light it on'll
Get better results..

Seriously? JnJ out manage and play??? They've had a product that's been in the turds versus Pradaxa for 5 months, are they out playing us????? Dumb-ass.

This is so true.....I was so excited when Chris talked to us about the changes he was going to make and the direction they company was going to take. Paul F was going to keep the Germans off our backs so that we could drive sales- instead we get Burt to hit us in the back on the head to get our acts together.

This is so true.....I was so excited when Chris talked to us about the changes he was going to make and the direction they company was going to take. Paul F was going to keep the Germans off our backs so that we could drive sales- instead we get Burt to hit us in the back on the head to get our acts together.

Are we talking about Chris C. ?

EXTRA! EXTRA! Business shut down! DMs in panic mode as hammer drops from Zone leadership. Lets slam on the brakes again! who needs to sell? We've got spreadsheets to complete damnit! Now hop to it! Speaker's budget? that's just an excuse to have someone else sell for you! you don't need a budget! Its only March! What would you do with a budget this early? You'd just piss it away because you are not smart enough to determine what you need. But BY GOD you better make sure every speaker has at least two talks! Where's my list! I can't manage without my damn lists! Everyone of you little shits will be without a job tomorrow if I dont see every doctor writing Pradaxa by sunrise! Where are my damn lists! This is insubordination! Get me HR on the F#@%&$! phone! Thank you My Lady, may I have another! is this just Zone 2 or is everyone putting up with the same Management by Fear, or Fire(d), crap? Still somewhat of a newbe, is it always like this? Lets give the Germans their numbers. Everyone stay in their car and enter calls on the T1 and T2's whose offices are closed to reps and then go sell to the people that will actually still see us. Metric...Metric...Metric...Metric...thank GOD they took that nasty 80/80 away! Now we just have 100% Reach and Frequency on an inflated call number! Yes!

Chris is a good dude. His hands are tied at corporate though. Bobby J ruined BI and it will take years to repair it. I left BI last year because of Bobby J's damage and hope the best for Chris. I worked in a region where a Token Hire ruined everything too. Fortunately, he got fired recently so now I believe in God.

I like Chris too! Seems like a great guy. But Does he know what his ZVPs are doing? Institutional reps calling on PCP offices, PCP reps going to the hospital, Cardiology going wherever they can find a chair! Stop the madness! Doing joint calls to have multiple people record a call to meet activity numbers demanded by Germany. FIRE-DRILL, FIRE-DRILL, PANIC! Our competition is loving it! I haven't been able to work all week! I have been working on my Team Matrix! Again! And Again! And Again! It's a race by the ZVPs to see who can check their Germany Activity box first. Zero sales come from this.

Wake Up Chris!

those of you putting hope in chris will be disappointed - he is worried about one person and that is chris. just wait until LEADERS has completed and the changes take effect - the direction of this company as forward thinking is a joke and leadership is only asking sales to jump thru these hoops until they figure out when to drop the "competency assessment" bomb -- you all do remember what that is code for?!?!??

senior leadership just needs air cover to prove to germany, hr, legal, etc that the sales model has changed and with it we need a "new kind of skill set" so they can downsize those IC checks now because come Fall BI will start to look very, very different

those of you putting hope in chris will be disappointed - he is worried about one person and that is chris. just wait until LEADERS has completed and the changes take effect - the direction of this company as forward thinking is a joke and leadership is only asking sales to jump thru these hoops until they figure out when to drop the "competency assessment" bomb -- you all do remember what that is code for?!?!??

senior leadership just needs air cover to prove to germany, hr, legal, etc that the sales model has changed and with it we need a "new kind of skill set" so they can downsize those IC checks now because come Fall BI will start to look very, very different

Maybe not so bad. Hell everyone I know wants to quit BI but the economy sucks. Maybe it will force us to find a world beyond Pharma. Anything is better than this company. Had my chance to get out for good last year and got sucked right back in. Thought Sanofi was bad until BI! Many of my old Sanofi buds have already bolted to places where they can actually sell.

Was the most truthful post I ever read.
jnj, Pfizer and bms are going to out manage and play us.
it wont even be a fair fight.
the fact that bi mgmt couldn't begin 2012 the way we were aggressive and smart in 2011 shocks me.
way to drop the ball mgmt and keep your reps in quick sand watching all our hard work be flushed down the toilet.
Take your ondemands, webcasts, etc., and light it on'll
Get better results..

apixiban will kick our ass

apixiban will kick our ass

Since apixaban can't lower ischemic events any more than what warfarin can do, seriously, why would you want to take that product? Give me the one that has 25% less chance rate of being disabled in a nursing home and a CNA wiping my butt any day! Apixaban will be a minor player.