From Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics
From Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics
Who and or what is a Chris Fikry and why should we give a crap.
Is this confirmed or a rumor?
A rumor is always a rumor until it is confirmed. Wait for the announcement, or lack there-of, but in your case, I would start looking for a new position as you are obviously too stupid to hold your current one!
Thanks Einstein! I see this as all the more reason to stay.
I find it amusing when your own response is making fun of your (or some else's) question. Got a hint for you, if you do a little research using LinkedIn on Chris' profile you will find out that he is a MBA / MD from an Ivy League School and Boston Consulting Alum. No proof that he will be successful but an indication that he "doesn't fools" so either "raise your game" or don't worry about deciding to stay - the decision will be made for you. Good Luck.
A rumor is always a rumor until it is confirmed. Wait for the announcement, or lack there-of, but in your case, I would start looking for a new position as you are obviously too stupid to hold your current one!
What an idiot you must be.
I find it amusing when your own response is making fun of your (or some else's) question. Got a hint for you, if you do a little research using LinkedIn on Chris' profile you will find out that he is a MBA / MD from an Ivy League School and Boston Consulting Alum. No proof that he will be successful but an indication that he "doesn't fools" so either "raise your game" or don't worry about deciding to stay - the decision will be made for you. Good Luck.
You are correct...Ivy league MD, MBA in his mid 30's from a wealthy family and even brags about how his Wall Street wife makes more than he does. Now you may think that's great because he will "lead" without givin in to the political game but he also doesn't have anything to lose so he can screw up your organization with hi pompous ivy league consultant culture the way he did at NVD.
Chris was brought to NVD by his ivy league consultant friends and promoted every 6 months regardless of the results or his qualifications. He proceeded to promote and bring in more of his consultant friends and do the same for them. He was a major cog in the most corrupt, arrogant and horrid culture known to this industry at NVD. He has 0 sales experience and has no respect for those who do. After all...ivy league consultants are so smart that they don't need experience to run a commercial organization.
Now he will act like the nerdy kid trying to be cool and run his political network like a bad frat. Don't be fooled. He will pad his team with the ivy league consultant buddies to build political power and avoid any accountability. Accountability be on the "dumb/inferior" sales force and anyone else who is not part of the "team".
Thanks for taking the useless, corrupt pig off our hands. Although there are plenty more just like him over here...for now...
hum, your opinion of the general situation regarding "young consultants" could be correct but we have to take the counter factual part of the argument into account. What if the situation would be worse without him and people like him? After all without them we would be left with nothing but old, burnt-out, cynical, "industry experienced" people like who only have your jobs and keep them because of the "old crony network" you have built up over the years. I have and will continue to work with both types and I find that the "experienced ones" in industry are like old worn out athletes - they over estimate their current performance and value to the organization and popularity with the other current players and fans, are therefor over paid, don't know when to quit or to begin to quit by spending more time on the bench and in a stereotypical flourish, make a lot of noise about it while making fools of themselves.
Could not agree more. But I you think this "new" ivy league consultant crew is any better than the old crony crew than you have a surprise coming. What happen to true diversity of experience instead of the end of each spectrum? Consultant are like a virulent virus...once there in it hard to get them out. Their entire existing has been built on creating false problems (in most cases) so they can "fix" and bill the client.
Even Fikry knows the consultant stink is hard to get off. He has admitted this himself. This just means he is a conscious incompetent.
If you were looking to change the old guard into te new with consultants like this one...then you will find out the hard way your cesspool just got deeper and more filled with crap. Putting the old dogs to pasture who could not or refused to reinvent themselves is needed. However, there are plenty of savvy young and mid aged "experienced" talet out there considering the downsizing of the industry. Now...your stuck with a corrupt know it all that drive you culture even further into the ditch.
Turns out that Chis's daddy was among the founders of Quest. And you thought the snobbish sense of entitlement was bad at NVD??? Now in addition to the consultant friend connections he has daddy to help him build a force field around his poor decisions and performance. Looks like the good old boy network is at an all time high.
Turns out that Chis's daddy was among the founders of Quest. And you thought the snobbish sense of entitlement was bad at NVD??? Now in addition to the consultant friend connections he has daddy to help him build a force field around his poor decisions and performance. Looks like the good old boy network is at an all time high.