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Chris Cuomo D&I Speaker


"Forget that police are trained to deal with non-compliance with force that is not lethal. Hey, comply or die," Cuomo said sarcastically.
"And you know what the answer is. You really do. You don't like it, I don't like it, it scares me," he said. "Shootings, gun laws, access to weapons. Oh, I know when they'll change. Your kids start getting killed, white people's kids start getting killed."


"Forget that police are trained to deal with non-compliance with force that is not lethal. Hey, comply or die," Cuomo said sarcastically.
"And you know what the answer is. You really do. You don't like it, I don't like it, it scares me," he said. "Shootings, gun laws, access to weapons. Oh, I know when they'll change. Your kids start getting killed, white people's kids start getting killed."
More whites killed by police than blacks (by far), sorry the facts don’t meet your narrative

More whites killed by police than blacks (by far), sorry the facts don’t meet your narrative
Data over 5 years shows that blacks are 2.6 times more likely to be killed by police than whites. Native Americans are 3 times more likely than whites to be killed by police. Yes, the number of whites killed than blacks is higher but you have to analyze number of whites vs other races like blacks. Would think that anyone in pharma would understand statistical relevance.

Data over 5 years shows that blacks are 2.6 times more likely to be killed by police than whites. Native Americans are 3 times more likely than whites to be killed by police. Yes, the number of whites killed than blacks is higher but you have to analyze number of whites vs other races like blacks. Would think that anyone in pharma would understand statistical relevance.

POC also commit far more crimes, per capita, than whites do, hence the greater likelihood of being shot. If you wa t to look at the stats, then look at the stats. Not just the ones that feed your narrative.

But, back to Cuomo’s comments - white kids are getting killed, too. Comments like his are stupid and divisive, but that’s the CNN way of business, so I shouldn’t be surprised. Police have a terribly difficult job to do and they get it right almost all the time. But, we’re in a zero defect, racialized, mob rule world right now, so all of them are under fire for the bad police work of a few.

POC also commit far more crimes, per capita, than whites do, hence the greater likelihood of being shot. If you wa t to look at the stats, then look at the stats. Not just the ones that feed your narrative.

But, back to Cuomo’s comments - white kids are getting killed, too. Comments like his are stupid and divisive, but that’s the CNN way of business, so I shouldn’t be surprised. Police have a terribly difficult job to do and they get it right almost all the time. But, we’re in a zero defect, racialized, mob rule world right now, so all of them are under fire for the bad police work of a few.

There’s more drugs in the suburbs and private schools than in the city, Tom. Hell marijuana is big business now. I wanna see cops go stop Little Jimmy for air freshener hanging from his rear view mirror. That cop would be fired the next day. You Yt folk have a different relationship with those pigs.

POC also commit far more crimes, per capita, than whites do, hence the greater likelihood of being shot. If you wa t to look at the stats, then look at the stats. Not just the ones that feed your narrative.

But, back to Cuomo’s comments - white kids are getting killed, too. Comments like his are stupid and divisive, but that’s the CNN way of business, so I shouldn’t be surprised. Police have a terribly difficult job to do and they get it right almost all the time. But, we’re in a zero defect, racialized, mob rule world right now, so all of them are under fire for the bad police work of a few.
POC are stopped and arrested more- I don’t buy the ‘commit more crime’ thing until I see proof anymore. Police very good at lying and making up charges for POC.

There’s more drugs in the suburbs and private schools than in the city, Tom. Hell marijuana is big business now. I wanna see cops go stop Little Jimmy for air freshener hanging from his rear view mirror. That cop would be fired the next day. You Yt folk have a different relationship with those pigs.
My sons private school was full of druggies. Even the governors son went there- guess which party and state- haha. Drugs everywhere. Never heard of one kid getting busted. Just lots of rehab.

These cops..Just like a Pharma DM or Compliance..can find any red flag fireable offense if they go searching for it. Only difference is the cops have a gun and a badge and can say “I fear for my life” and are coached on how to beat possible charges. It’s BS how they get the benefit of the doubt and are “Officer Friendly”. They hire anybody.

Data over 5 years shows that blacks are 2.6 times more likely to be killed by police than whites. Native Americans are 3 times more likely than whites to be killed by police. Yes, the number of whites killed than blacks is higher but you have to analyze number of whites vs other races like blacks. Would think that anyone in pharma would understand statistical relevance.

Ok, First off, I was a Democrat before our party was completely destroyed by a few radicals that threatened the shit out of the moderate/descent Democrats w/ slander of racism if they didn’t jump onboard the Socialist Express... SMH..

So, anyone that listens/believes any of the corporate owned/tooled media w/ their big fat-cat CEO’s (CNN is the worst of the worst btw) that have long ago sold their & their mother’s soul in the name of the only word they have ever cared about “PROFITS”!!!

These corrupt/corporate propaganda factors, are literally using this opportunity of “WOKENESS” to cash in once again at that expense of our country’s integrity.

Trust me former/fellow Democrats, they “BLM, ANTIFA & the politicians that keep baiting you with all this “equality & systemic racism” BS rhetoric... You are just getting used & abused again by these so called “Liberals”.. These POS Democrat politicians do not believe a word about “helping POC” achieve “equity”. They are getting “punch drunk” on all of the power, spending & kickbacks they are getting at the expense pitting Americans against Americans! All the while, to just create a distraction while they control & profit from the “check” they are hypothetically writing that POC will have to pay for down the line when this BS lie is finally exposed for what it really is... a complete screw job to our Country..

btw, Even taking into consideration the ratio of far more whites than blacks, whites are still just as likely to be killed by law enforcement as blacks in this country. There is a Harvard Study on this subject that was implicit in its findings/conclusion to this point that there was no difference statistically between whites & blacks that have been killed by police both armed as well as unarmed.
LIES, LIES, LIES, that are intensionally being used pit us against one another.
Whose really white or really black in this country anymore anyways??
Don’t believe me that there is no systemic racism in our country? Ever ask yourself why 80 million whites voted for the first black President of the United States not just once, but twice????!!!! Yes, without 80 million whites voting for Barack Obama as their choice over choosing a presidential candidate that was the same their skin color... Enough said, GET SMART, NOT WOKED & SMOKED!

POC are stopped and arrested more- I don’t buy the ‘commit more crime’ thing until I see proof anymore. Police very good at lying and making up charges for POC.

That’s a silly statement. Arrests and court cases are full of proof. That’s the entire purpose of them. And, yes, POC go to prison at a disproportionate rate as well - if you commit more crime then you get arrested more often and are more likely to go to jail.

And, I’d lobe to hear some proof about your statement “Police very good at lying and making up charges for POC.”

That’s a silly statement. Arrests and court cases are full of proof. That’s the entire purpose of them. And, yes, POC go to prison at a disproportionate rate as well - if you commit more crime then you get arrested more often and are more likely to go to jail.

And, I’d lobe to hear some proof about your statement “Police very good at lying and making up charges for POC.”

Tom, Jim, or Bob...If I was a cop, I know who I’d arrest.

Tom, Jim, or Bob...If I was a cop, I know who I’d arrest.

Let’s hope that you’d arrest the person committing a crime, regardless of skin color. Just like virtually every police officer does.

And, what point are you trying to make? Is it that POC are wrongfully arrested and imprisoned or that white people commit all sorts of crime and police just allow it to happen? And, in either case, where is your proof?