Chief Scientific Officer

Heard they dismissed their CSO, CB. Nice move for a market leader....Oh, forgot, Zimmer just copies technology and design, doesn't' really innovate.

Not sure any of them are innovative right now. In as far as copying technology, I agree Zimmer has done their share, but they were pretty innovative from 1998 to 2008 in total knees. I certainly remember all of the ortho companies copying mis inst, gender, tm type of material etc.

Perhaps it is time to move on with some new blood in that role? Nothing wrong with that when you are a market leader. there could be an arguement that companies hold onto to people too long...........

Cheryl Blanchard is a class act and will land on her feet. I wish her continued success.

Those "innovations" we're simple marketing hype. Don't know her but if she was such a class act, why was she let go? Seems like that is our culture...use you up and spit you out. Very demoralizing for us who stay on.

Oh, forgot, Zimmer just copies technology and design, doesn't' really innovate.

Give me a break. OP, name two innovations that have had a bigger impact in orthopaedics over the last decade than Trabecular Metal and Highly Crosslinked Poly. Zimmer drove the markets for these innovations while everyone else scrambled to copy it and move their customers to alternative bearings before coming full circle back to a redesigned poly. Zimmer's customers and patients benefited from these real innovations from their unmatched clinical performance. CB was there for the duration and deserves credit. Especially for building the biologics line from scratch.

Give me a break. OP, name two innovations that have had a bigger impact in orthopaedics over the last decade than Trabecular Metal and Highly Crosslinked Poly. Zimmer drove the markets for these innovations while everyone else scrambled to copy it and move their customers to alternative bearings before coming full circle back to a redesigned poly. Zimmer's customers and patients benefited from these real innovations from their unmatched clinical performance. CB was there for the duration and deserves credit. Especially for building the biologics line from scratch.

yes, she deserves credit for driving those initiatives, and most recently the bio stuff. she was one of the few at the executive level who actually seemed to have the trust of her people. the ones i know seemed to enjoy working for her, which is rare in the halls here anymore. just goes to show that in today's zimmer world everyone is expendable and you would do best to trust nobody. so by eliminating the chief science position, is zimmer throwing in the towel to future investment in r&d and new technology?

yes, she deserves credit for driving those initiatives, and most recently the bio stuff. she was one of the few at the executive level who actually seemed to have the trust of her people. the ones i know seemed to enjoy working for her, which is rare in the halls here anymore. just goes to show that in today's zimmer world everyone is expendable and you would do best to trust nobody. so by eliminating the chief science position, is zimmer throwing in the towel to future investment in r&d and new technology?

CB was there only for the very end of those things. She promoted chums who have to be really worried now.

She is very smart, no one can deny that. But her leadership is a different issue. When I look back over the last 20 years, the MIS, flex and x-linked poly were over when she was just a manager in research or before. Which wasn't even tied to prod dev. back then. Name something worthwhile in the last 5 years.

None of those top secret research projects never made it out of research.

CB was very well liked and also very respected by the people who worked for her, with her, and the doctors she interfaced with. She was one of the only executives that people trusted and she will be sorely missed. Dvorak is simply running what once was a great company into the ground. This man is an idiot, he has no leadership qualities what so ever. No one at Zimmer has any respect for this man, in fact, I would say a majority of the people, to put it bluntly, hate his guts!

Wow!!! Thanks CB for the objective assessment. Actually, the poster is absolutely correct....CB was one of the few respected top managers. Such a tragedy; a once great company, all the way back to and including J. Allen Morgan, Tom Hughes, Ron Davis and Ray Elliott is being run into the ground. How many good, experienced and quality managers and leaders have been cast aside over the years? Too many to mention.

Wow!!! Thanks CB for the objective assessment. Actually, the poster is absolutely correct....CB was one of the few respected top managers. Such a tragedy; a once great company, all the way back to and including J. Allen Morgan, Tom Hughes, Ron Davis and Ray Elliott is being run into the ground. How many good, experienced and quality managers and leaders have been cast aside over the years? Too many to mention.

From a human capital perspective, Zimmer has been in steep decline for years. Unfortunately CB is just the most recent example of good people being tossed out. People seem to have forgotten the most important piece, it is just a job. Zimmer is not special or that important in the grand scheme of things. Collect a pay cheque and move on. I have never been happier from a career perspective since leaving Zimmer. It's a choice: 1) stay at ZMH, be a number and be quiet or 2) leave ZMH and be happy.

Amen! Perfectly said, and sadly...true.

Grow some balls you whiny bitches. There are a lot of people in this industry that would kill to have a product portfolio like Zimmer's.

Stop pointing fingers and acting like the sky is falling. If you don't see opportunities around you that's your own fault.

Grow some balls you whiny bitches. There are a lot of people in this industry that would kill to have a product portfolio like Zimmer's.

Stop pointing fingers and acting like the sky is falling. If you don't see opportunities around you that's your own fault.

Nice post, very classy. Who said anything about the product portfolio? It is a shit place to work that's all.