Check out thread - "checking in"

Now why would I be screwed? You are just jealous. I read the thread and I am the guy who said I have been double dipping since June because I have been. Do you know how much cash I am making now? Its ridiculous.

Do you really think Teva is going to do all that work to investigate if I have another job? Really? They dont have anything else to do? Puhleeeze. If they are that bored and find out I have another job then they fire me. So what? I have another job so I dont care. Are dumb are you people? Better question: how jealous are you people?

Now why would I be screwed? You are just jealous. I read the thread and I am the guy who said I have been double dipping since June because I have been. Do you know how much cash I am making now? Its ridiculous.

Do you really think Teva is going to do all that work to investigate if I have another job? Really? They dont have anything else to do? Puhleeeze. If they are that bored and find out I have another job then they fire me. So what? I have another job so I dont care. Are dumb are you people? Better question: how jealous are you people?

Actually, the question should be, "How moral are you people?". You worked/work for a company that pays you well, provides excellent health benefits and a company vehicle. You signed a contract and they are keeping up their side of the agreement. When you started to believe the company was being managed poorly - you had every right to get another job. Your judgement and maturity are poor by "working for two companies". You can't serve two masters in life and their will be consequences for your actions. Laugh and be arrogant all that you want, you pay a price for immoral behavior. I by no means love Cephalon and left because I was unhappy. I did it the right way and can sleep at night. I hope you ponder your situation and come to your senses. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Actually, the question should be, "How moral are you people?". You worked/work for a company that pays you well, provides excellent health benefits and a company vehicle. You signed a contract and they are keeping up their side of the agreement. When you started to believe the company was being managed poorly - you had every right to get another job. Your judgement and maturity are poor by "working for two companies". You can't serve two masters in life and their will be consequences for your actions. Laugh and be arrogant all that you want, you pay a price for immoral behavior. I by no means love Cephalon and left because I was unhappy. I did it the right way and can sleep at night. I hope you ponder your situation and come to your senses. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Very well said and for those who think that Teva will be performing the compensation audits- you are wrong! Those will start this next week with Cephalon's HR group. You will be notified when they see the "double dipping".

Actually, the question should be, "How moral are you people?". You worked/work for a company that pays you well, provides excellent health benefits and a company vehicle. You signed a contract and they are keeping up their side of the agreement. When you started to believe the company was being managed poorly - you had every right to get another job. Your judgement and maturity are poor by "working for two companies". You can't serve two masters in life and their will be consequences for your actions. Laugh and be arrogant all that you want, you pay a price for immoral behavior. I by no means love Cephalon and left because I was unhappy. I did it the right way and can sleep at night. I hope you ponder your situation and come to your senses. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Two Wrights make a bi-plane.

Very well said and for those who think that Teva will be performing the compensation audits- you are wrong! Those will start this next week with Cephalon's HR group. You will be notified when they see the "double dipping".

Again. what does it matter if some one is found out, they were leaving any way.

Again. what does it matter if some one is found out, they were leaving any way.

I suppose it doesn't matter as long as one of the following occurrs:

1. That person stays with their new employer until retirement.
2. That person does not include Cephalon on his or her resume in the future.

If the second is the case, few employers will dismiss a large gap in your resume. If you include Cephalon on your resume in the future, any would-be employers will discover your penchant for deceit once they contact Teva (or whichever organization holds the record of your employment during the "Cephalon" years) for employment verification.

I suppose it doesn't matter as long as one of the following occurrs:

2. That person does not include Cephalon on his or her resume in the future.


HR junkie here...

About 3 years after acquisition is finalized , most company's will come up empty handed on employment verification for Cephalon. Yes, Teva will process a few in the short term, but use 3 yr mark as a safe & clear time.

Double Dipper here. Been through aquisition before , don't be concerned one bit.

In the hood, we call these people "Haters"

Focus on "in the hood". Disgusting to see this is what our once great society has degenerated to. Next you will tell us how successful you have been making sales calls with your gat. Moron...