check out the SEC filing!


very interesting. the sec filing (just do a google search for it) has all of the comp listed from the AZ transaction for the officers and some others. some people got incredibly, incredibly rich! didn't see my name on the lists.

Instead of worrying about what other people got out of the deal, you better start practicing up on selling our wonderful Purple Pill!!! That Flutshit you've been selling is literally chicken shit compared to the to the big PP.

Are you ready to rooooollllllleeeee plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
Your time is coming!!!!!!

Instead of worrying about what other people got out of the deal, you better start practicing up on selling our wonderful Purple Pill!!! That Flutshit you've been selling is literally chicken shit compared to the to the big PP.

Are you ready to rooooollllllleeeee plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
Your time is coming!!!!!!

i love role playing! i can't wait until i become a microchipped-in-my-ass robot!


How does one get 2 grants in less that a year for 60 thou and 70 thou when the damn company did not make goal? People have had to pay back bonus while these losers roll in money for not meeting the same forecast how does that happen?

Not to mention the grossly overstated salary PG is getting on top of it...

The rest of the Centocorians are making out pretty well too...

JH - 250k
PW - 225k
IK - 135k

HR Dept


How does one get 2 grants in less that a year for 60 thou and 70 thou when the damn company did not make goal? People have had to pay back bonus while these losers roll in money for not meeting the same forecast how does that happen?

It should be a crime. No make goal, no get 4 million dollars. I have lost all respect for this guy.

It should be a crime. No make goal, no get 4 million dollars. I have lost all respect for this guy.

WEll, I never had any respect in the first place so there was nothing to lose. I have worked really hard for eight years and made, after tax, a few hundred thou and was happy until I read that document. It was and is corrupt. It makes me sick, truly sick. Greenleaf is an asshole, a stupid one at that who is going to dismantle this company rep by rep, job by job. May he burn in hell.

Boo frickety hooo....

Someone is making more money and that just isn't fair.....You might want to look in the mirror and figure out why you aren't that person. I am sure if it was you on the end of the $4 million you wouldn't be typing on this Blog. Hypocrites.....

You know nothing about Peter Greenleaf except that he made a certain amount of money yet you judge him. You much be a Christian....probably brag about your church and how much you go to praise the Lord. Hypocrite....

Try looking at yourself and determine your short falls or simply become one of the many who blame the world, blame government and blame everyone else for your short comings. Poor you!!!

Boo frickety hooo....

Someone is making more money and that just isn't fair.....You might want to look in the mirror and figure out why you aren't that person. I am sure if it was you on the end of the $4 million you wouldn't be typing on this Blog. Hypocrites.....

You know nothing about Peter Greenleaf except that he made a certain amount of money yet you judge him. You much be a Christian....probably brag about your church and how much you go to praise the Lord. Hypocrite....

Try looking at yourself and determine your short falls or simply become one of the many who blame the world, blame government and blame everyone else for your short comings. Poor you!!!

LOL, wtf..this thread WAS six years old. You just revived it. Why? Related: he prob made that and more even up until his recent departure during these austerity times. Whoever posted that back in 07 is likely long gone anyway. As is PG now too. Thanks for posting Mrs G.