You need to either get on board at LCA or leave and do something else with you life. LCA is what it is, if you don't like it move on. Life is too short for the shit I see here.
I check these boards to try and keep up with what is going on at LCA. I left LabCorp this year because my commute would be too difficult after a move. Was my job stressful at times; absolutely! Did I moan and groan at times about my workload; absolutely! Would I do it all over again; absolutely! Overall a very positive experience! I wish only the best for LabCorp and all the wonderful people that I worked with over the years.
I just threw up in my mouth when I read that one. LOL
Agree, that poster must be high on medical marijuana or some other illicit drug. Alternately, he or she may have just escaped from a padded cell.
Look, lets stop hating on someone that made a positive experience of working at LabCorp. I was there for a; well a really long time. When I was RIF'd I felt like I was let out of prison.Wow! You can't make this stuff up folks. And this was a pro Labcorp post. First, I've been on the other side of the RIF process. Basically, they fired you without cause in order for your superior or your superior's superior to make even more bloated compensation in the form of a bonus. Secondly, I mean really, a pro Labcorp post and you likened it to prison? Although I've never been to prison, I can't imagine there would be more "bending over" there.
I just threw up in my mouth when I read that one. LOL
Happy Holidays! Negativity will bring you down brother. I still work here and I thank God every day that I have a good job with a stable company. A little gratitude is not a bad thing.....
I whole heartedly agree with Dave. If you're not happy here, and you don't like the way things are done, leave. Put your resume out, get yourself another job, and get the hell out.
Stop whining.......... It is time for you to stop all of your sobbing.
Look, lets stop hating on someone that made a positive experience of working at LabCorp. I was there for a; well a really long time. When I was RIF'd I felt like I was let out of prison.Wow! You can't make this stuff up folks. And this was a pro Labcorp post. First, I've been on the other side of the RIF process. Basically, they fired you without cause in order for your superior or your superior's superior to make even more bloated compensation in the form of a bonus. Secondly, I mean really, a pro Labcorp post and you likened it to prison? Although I've never been to prison, I can't imagine there would be more "bending over" there.
LOL! OK,maybe that was an exaggerated euphemism! I'll elaborate: There was too much micro-management, too many projects rolled out while they were half-baked, too much pressure to fully and successfully implement half-baked projects, and too many ego driven SVPs. This, plus the constant cloud of RIFs made for an unpleasant work environment. However, the pre-LabCorp days were much better and much more training and development oriented.
No really..... If LCA is that shitty then do something else... and don't tell me you can't. You can, it might be a little bit hard, it might be scarry... but for God sake people. If you are still working at LCA and you hate it this much then seriously get on with it. You control your destiny... not Dave King... But YOU have to do something about it... LCA is what it is... and if it is really this bad then it will get what coming. Why would you put your name on a company that you hate? If you happen to be in sales, then its your name+ LCA, your building a reputation by association. And if you continue work here, you are just as bad..... so get on board and do you best or leave!
Your point is not missed. Get with the program or get out. However, for the folks that were here in the Roche days, todays company is off target. Minimal training and development and a declining culture of respect and appreciation for employees. Contrary to the Roche culture. Living in the past? Maybe. That is why I chose to move on.
I understand what your are saying, previous experiences cause beliefs about a career or company and that inertia carries people much longer than is probably health. But Industries and companies are constantly evolving. The good or bad of that is for you to decide.
Most people do not and probably should not stay at one company for an entire career. Those days are gone. When the time comes that you cannot be all in or at least believe in the company that is when you leave. Staying hurts you career wise. The skills that were in use in the days of Roche, et. are just not as valuable as this industry become more of a commodity. For a lucky few the new market conditions will line up nicely with their skill and abilities and they will probably do well at LCA. The lab as it was in 80 and 90’s are gone.