Change in NJ


There needs to be change in NJ starting with JoeB. He is condescending in person and in vm. He talks down to everyone. He repeats the same crap over and over, and by his tone ASSUMES no one knows how to sell. He never had to sell in this environment...we work 10 times as hard just to get 1 script, and that's without all the honoraria and god knows what else he pulled as a rep. His managers despise working for him. He's a blow hard only looking our for his own flowundering career. He has messed with people's careers. Doesn't like seeing reps develop, or move on to other positions. He's a big reason a lot of reps didn't get leveled that were supposed to. You wouldn't believe the stuff this dirtbag has pulled behind the scenes to prevent reps from moving on to higher positions. NJ needs a new leader, he had his chance and failded miserably. He's made most reps in the area as well as managers fairly disenchanted about their jobs. The best leaders make everyone working under them want to win and do well not only for themselves but for the leader as well. There is no one that wants to do well for him, in fact many are fouting for a bad final quarter just to make him look bad. Please make some leadership changes in NJ...and please don't make it anyone from the good ol boys club that has plagued the NJ area management for so long. These people were all scum bags reps that did well and moved into high positions because of shady business practices without any true sales, people, or leadership skills. Please make some changes in NJ!

There needs to be change in NJ starting with JoeB. He is condescending in person and in vm. He talks down to everyone. He repeats the same crap over and over, and by his tone ASSUMES no one knows how to sell. He never had to sell in this environment...we work 10 times as hard just to get 1 script, and that's without all the honoraria and god knows what else he pulled as a rep. His managers despise working for him. He's a blow hard only looking our for his own flowundering career. He has messed with people's careers. Doesn't like seeing reps develop, or move on to other positions. He's a big reason a lot of reps didn't get leveled that were supposed to. You wouldn't believe the stuff this dirtbag has pulled behind the scenes to prevent reps from moving on to higher positions. NJ needs a new leader, he had his chance and failded miserably. He's made most reps in the area as well as managers fairly disenchanted about their jobs. The best leaders make everyone working under them want to win and do well not only for themselves but for the leader as well. There is no one that wants to do well for him, in fact many are fouting for a bad final quarter just to make him look bad. Please make some leadership changes in NJ...and please don't make it anyone from the good ol boys club that has plagued the NJ area management for so long. These people were all scum bags reps that did well and moved into high positions because of shady business practices without any true sales, people, or leadership skills. Please make some changes in NJ!

another case of harassment here? Joe, your turn!

Don't think the problem is Joe B. It's Joe J and Chris K. Time for these guys to be held accountable for their performance. Values and behaviors - 1 Results - 2 (on our backs btw) The problems can't be all the reps; management needs to be shaken up from top to bottom, including the clowns they put in at HR, who are controlling all the moves so "management" is out of the legal fray. There needs to be a "no-confidence" vote on senior leadership. We are all stockholders; let's get rid of the problems and those problems are senior leaders. Out with the old, in with the new. Town halls coming; voice your opinions. All decisions are already made, what do we have to lose?

There needs to be change in NJ starting with JoeB. He is condescending in person and in vm. He talks down to everyone. He repeats the same crap over and over, and by his tone ASSUMES no one knows how to sell. He never had to sell in this environment...we work 10 times as hard just to get 1 script, and that's without all the honoraria and god knows what else he pulled as a rep. His managers despise working for him. He's a blow hard only looking our for his own flowundering career. He has messed with people's careers. Doesn't like seeing reps develop, or move on to other positions. He's a big reason a lot of reps didn't get leveled that were supposed to. You wouldn't believe the stuff this dirtbag has pulled behind the scenes to prevent reps from moving on to higher positions. NJ needs a new leader, he had his chance and failded miserably. He's made most reps in the area as well as managers fairly disenchanted about their jobs. The best leaders make everyone working under them want to win and do well not only for themselves but for the leader as well. There is no one that wants to do well for him, in fact many are fouting for a bad final quarter just to make him look bad. Please make some leadership changes in NJ...and please don't make it anyone from the good ol boys club that has plagued the NJ area management for so long. These people were all scum bags reps that did well and moved into high positions because of shady business practices without any true sales, people, or leadership skills. Please make some changes in NJ!

Ditto!!! I wish I was cut in November... god I hate this place because of Joe!

Don't think the problem is Joe B. It's Joe J and Chris K. Time for these guys to be held accountable for their performance. Values and behaviors - 1 Results - 2 (on our backs btw) The problems can't be all the reps; management needs to be shaken up from top to bottom, including the clowns they put in at HR, who are controlling all the moves so "management" is out of the legal fray. There needs to be a "no-confidence" vote on senior leadership. We are all stockholders; let's get rid of the problems and those problems are senior leaders. Out with the old, in with the new. Town halls coming; voice your opinions. All decisions are already made, what do we have to lose?

Agree, Chris Kaplan should be held accountable, he is a "solid" 1 in N&Vs. He has no place in this company.