Change did Happen- New CFO & Comptroller


Yes......Castle has made some new changes to Corp. office.........
A new CFO- Steve Andrews
A new Comptroller- Angelia Teasdale

You can Thank both of them along with Scott for not getting paid your commissions.........
As well as not having a commission/sales report for your Tox/DNA samples....
We will never be able to track samples once they enter the doors of the Castle.....
Once we are terminated they will make sure we never get paid what's owed....Refer to
your employee contract......Another joke from Castle.........They cut cost, cut reps, and
will probably help Castle file Chapter 7.........

Does anybody else have any info on these two?

Yes......Castle has made some new changes to Corp. office.........
A new CFO- Steve Andrews
A new Comptroller- Angelia Teasdale

You can Thank both of them along with Scott for not getting paid your commissions.........
As well as not having a commission/sales report for your Tox/DNA samples....
We will never be able to track samples once they enter the doors of the Castle.....
Once we are terminated they will make sure we never get paid what's owed....Refer to
your employee contract......Another joke from Castle.........They cut cost, cut reps, and
will probably help Castle file Chapter 7.........

Does anybody else have any info on these two?


Is this a different CFO than the bald, glass eye one? He was hired in January, that is crazy if he is already gone.

I know the sales reps have it bad but so do we
In the office....we were forced to wear these
Stupid Tee-Shirts in our huddle meeting that
Steve designed.. His face on the back &
Referring himself to Jesus... I'm so disgusted !!!!
He needs to go through an emergency HR training
Session.. I can guarantee HR will be filing lots
Of complaints about him !!!!!!

They'll tell you whatever they want you to hear, then will turn around and Fire you the next day. The lawsuits and investigations are piling up. The fact that the company said nothing in a statement to its employees after this bust is extremely telling.

What a coincidence. There was a rep out West that landed a huge account with over 200 samples a week. Rob axed it because they couldn't justify the medical necessity. Oh, the sweet irony.

What a coincidence. There was a rep out West that landed a huge account with over 200 samples a week. Rob axed it because they couldn't justify the medical necessity. Oh, the sweet irony.

How is Rob making decisions on medical necessity? He is not a compliance officer and has no experience in these matters once again.

Oh, I'm sure he made up some lie to prove otherwise. Sounds like his role is to make this company seem legit while raking in the dough from docs courting crimes in the south.

Very interesting in the article that the author chose to mention Castle but stated that in no way were they saying that Castle did anything illegal. Why would they name someone that they felt was an innocent party?

Very interesting in the article that the author chose to mention Castle but stated that in no way were they saying that Castle did anything illegal. Why would they name someone that they felt was an innocent party?

Why wouldn't they disclose this to the sales force??? I was told that this wasn't a Castle account by my DVP!

We all need Rob to come to our territories for just one day AND KICK ASS.
With a 90% closing rate you would think he would be eager to get out there. But when he does, and he fails, and he will, he will blame it on the rep for not pre-qualifing the account. Never realizing it was his qualifing meathod that lead to failure. He is a clown.

With a 90% closing rate you would think he would be eager to get out there. But when he does, and he fails, and he will, he will blame it on the rep for not pre-qualifing the account. Never realizing it was his qualifing meathod that lead to failure. He is a clown.

Oh no! The pre qualify excuse. It's anyone can close a Hott lead.

I can tell you a lot about this new CFO. I know you all think that everyone at Corporate Office drinks the Kool-Aid. That isn't the case. All of us can feel your pain. We just need our jobs so we keep our mouth shut. We walk around on eggshells wondering who is going to get fired next. Anyone who stands up to the new CFO gets fired. He has surrounded himself with the kind of people who can't think for themselves. He got rid of the all the old guard who was running the place and put in zombies who have to ask him for everything. These are horrible working conditions. They repeatedly violated labor laws and immigration laws. HIPPA/OSHA are questionable. HR runs to management instead of helping employees who come to her. Castle is a joke! They have violated our religious freedom by making us wear t-shirts comparing Steve to Jesus. I'm not deeply religious, but this even offended me. It sounds like people should band together and file a class action lawsuit instead of posting on this board. I know that are some claims in process, but from the sounds of this board there should be many more.