chances for average looking female rep


Do you have to look like a model to work in ortho sales? I am intelligent, personable and hardworking but I am only average looking. I have no qualms about being able to do the job but I am worried I won't get past the interview process because of my looks. Am I wasting my time? Do average looking females sales reps exist?

What a silly question. I wish you the best, and if you make it into the OR my advice would be to focus on the things that really matter because that's what your customers will be doing.

Do you have to look like a model to work in ortho sales? I am intelligent, personable and hardworking but I am only average looking. I have no qualms about being able to do the job but I am worried I won't get past the interview process because of my looks. Am I wasting my time? Do average looking females sales reps exist?
Are you overweight? If so, my boss might hire you. He has a thing for the chubbies.

I'll be honest-they look for part time models and women who are more than average looking. Most orthopedic surgeons are men obviously and they tend to over look intellectual weakness if there is the potential to bump up against a hot rep

Do you have to look like a model to work in ortho sales? I am intelligent, personable and hardworking but I am only average looking. I have no qualms about being able to do the job but I am worried I won't get past the interview process because of my looks. Am I wasting my time? Do average looking females sales reps exist?

don't even try

Of the female reps I know most are good looking-several are extremely so-runway models but not particularly bright and therefore less successful with certain docs. You can do well if you are prepared, learn quickly and are willing to work hard. Don't worry about the hotties-they usually move on after a few years

It really depends on your cans. If they are big and you use them smartly, you could look like roadkill and still get my business.

Do you have to look like a model to work in ortho sales? I am intelligent, personable and hardworking but I am only average looking. I have no qualms about being able to do the job but I am worried I won't get past the interview process because of my looks. Am I wasting my time? Do average looking females sales reps exist?

Do you have to look like a model to work in ortho sales? I am intelligent, personable and hardworking but I am only average looking. I have no qualms about being able to do the job but I am worried I won't get past the interview process because of my looks. Am I wasting my time? Do average looking females sales reps exist?

If you are worried about wasting your time because of your looks - then you are wasting your time. You need to be more self confident. If the way your competition looks worries you then you must not be bringing much else to the table. If you are capable and driven, stop giving a crap what everyone else looks like and just kick their ass. Looks are good for a first impression, but those don't last when they turn out to be a shallow dingbat.

Unfortunately it is difficult when you're up against women who not only use their looks to get ahead but bend the rules by spending time with docs at casinos in Vegas and the clubs in Miami and don't mind partying when their wives are out of town. How do you compete against that?

Unfortunately it is difficult when you're up against women who not only use their looks to get ahead but bend the rules by spending time with docs at casinos in Vegas and the clubs in Miami and don't mind partying when their wives are out of town. How do you compete against that?

Swallow the last squirt with a smile and remark about the great taste. Afterwords, share some OJ to bring the blood sugar back up again, then tenderly stroke/scratch the scrotum and repeat. It works for me, and I'm "average" looking.

The hotties intimidate the nurses and they spare them no quarter. Know your stuff, be honest, humble and hardworking and you will succeed.

This unfortunately is very true. As someone who has been in OR sales for 9 years, I can say with a certain degree of certainty, that many of the female nurses getting catty and bitch about the female reps more often than not (especially the "hot" ones). From my experience, it tends to be the older nurses who are trying to make a name for themselves or push their way up the food chain within the OR. Either that or they were just always ugly, always got made fun of and never got laid......just like HS I hate to say

This thread is going downhill fast. At the Zimmer National Sales Meetings there will be 1000 plus reps. Female reps about 5% at best and they turn over every 1 to 2 years as a group. Doesn't matter what you look like or how smart you are. Sorry

Are you overweight? If so, my boss might hire you. He has a thing for the chubbies.

Overweight to most women is anything over 130. Low self esteem is a terrible thing.

Confident, woman that are about 10-20 lbs overweight are the best looking women in the world, in my honest opinion, because they are not overly concerned with their weight. They just go out and do their thing. Skinny women not only lack confidence, but are usually throwing up after meals to maintain their figure. Its so sad, because when then get older, there body is lacking nutrients to fight off disease.

Sorry for the long post, but OP, just relax and have fun with it. Most of the mangers in the medical field are pyschopaths anyway, so who cares if you don't get job.

Ever wonder why there are a lot more female reps in pharma than ortho? My theory is because in ortho you see the surgeon every day for hours, a woman hanging out with a surgeon like that, even professionally, is threatening to the wife. In pharma, you see the surgeon only briefly and need the looks to get the appointment. Average looks could help for ortho if you want to be in the game a long time.