Champ Roles

what is the benefit of these role's, being new at Lilly it seems like a waste of time that could be utilized doing more important things..

You better learn how to talk, Lilly-style. Appear to be very convincing, spend at least 50 hours on each power point. Practice that "I am holier than thou, but will pretend otherwise because I am THAT good" attitude. Update your PM daily. Good luck.

You should be exuberant over having any opportunity to serve your team. Not to mention, the DM hand picks who gets the champ roles. Then, those chosen people have proof of their leadership and engagement value on the ePM, resulting in a higher score and wage. Manager has less busy work, and essentially hand picks which reps he/she wants to succeed. (Here's a Lilly phrase for you to learn --- "in terms of" "value" it's really about politics.)

At one time, champs were the ones who forwarded endless success stories via VMX's. The memory of that still brings pain to my *D finger.

Yup, more BS built into the ePM process. The more voice mails you could send, the better the team mate you are. The champ is the chosen one who gets to sort through them and decide which to send onto the area for greater recognition.

Agree with previous post. Best practice you could master. Keep the star d feature on your vmx and never I mean never take your fingers off it. Its a great line to add on your epm. Your manager will love the outside the box thinking:)

Champ roles are the best! I get to leave a voicemail a day, even though my sales suck. Then my Director will forward and i can prove how I am a leader. Did I mention my sales suck but that is o.k., because my director tells my manager that I put the the S.T.A.R. in so I can have an awesome P.M. I love my job. I haven't helped a single patient but that is o.k., because I am a CHAMP.