Challenger !!!

The worst part of the whole thing are the slimy reasons you are asked to tell your surgeons why they need to do the cases..... "Home for the Holidays" anyone ?!?!?!? ... As if they would not be at home regardless.

This is your CSM calling. Did you self asses today? I'm leaving this message at 615 AM. I will all you back at 700, then 830, then 1000. I have a conference call at 1030 and then we have our 1-1 at 1100. Then we have a team call from 1200 to 200 to review what we talked about on Monday.

Did Dr. Jones assist Dr. Mark on his hysterectomy today? Did Jones do the hyst and Mark do the sacro? Remember that's 2 cases....

Boy...I REALLY don't miss ISI!

This Christmas, I'm grateful I no longer have to scour case logs and submit blood numbers. Or beg GYN's to add-on simple/ridiculous cases. I never have to attend any more ridiculous WWSMs where self-important wind-bags "take the stage".

No more round-robins, role plays or "compelling openings"... Ugh, just felt a douche chill!

Many @ ISI don't have a clue as to what's important in life. They wouldn't dare speak of their wife or children, or hint they actually have a personal life. I had to hide the fact that I coached our son's little league team because that's viewed as "weak". Well, sorry...but I'm a human being and I value my familiy. My priorities (and my house) are soundly in order.

I no longer need to feign interest in what my fellow ASM/CSM/CSD is buying (newest car/boat/vacation home). Seriously, dudes - WHO CARES? I couldn't care less what your E*Trade account is trending at today. Because seriously - your MORAL bank account has been negative for so long, that it's no WONDER you're a divorced sad sack of a joke.

Sure, your "team" rallies around you at night over beers. But trust me, behind your back, you're a joke. You're lonely. You're a lost soul. I almost feel sorry for you. ALMOST.

I left on my own terms, and I'm happy to be a part of a startup that values creativity, work/life balance, and out-of-box thinking. I am no longer owned by ISI. Freedom.

My VP truly leads by setting a great example. He has integrity, he eats dinner with his family, he coaches 2x a week, and he's a volunteer for the Red Cross in his "spare time". This multi-faceted approach to leadership has made me aware that I was drinking the rank Kook Aid for way too long. My wife and kids are thrilled I'm home more, we laugh more, play games as a "team", and this has carried over into more success and satisfaction in my new sales gig. Since it's Christmas Time - I kind of feel like the family guy in "It's a Wonderful Life"....

My only regret was not leaving sooner. 4 years was a LONG time. Happy Holidays people!

Funny how the whistleblowers against fraud ad shows up now under Intuitive posts.......maybe they are trying to tell me something.

There IS much to tell!! But really, as the "little guy", I don't have the money, time or resources to "whistleblow" against such a huge "machine". Did I consult a lawyer when I was let go? 100%. I respected his counsel. He set set proper (albeit disappointing) expectations that are required to fight a "wrongful termination" case. Since all sales employment contains an "at-will termination clause", it CAN and WILL be used against you. It sucks. It's unfair. They win. BUT that win for ISI is temporary. The best strategy for any type of "revenge" is to MOVE ON. Eventually, what goes around, comes around. They'll get divorced, report to the new jerk-off, and be canned themselves. Insert smile here.

At the end of the day, I'd rather spend the "would be litigation time" into more important things. Never again will I neglect my family or personal interests. The time it would take to whistle-blow and see it through just wasn't in the cards. just gotta pick yourself up/dust yourself off and re-prioritize. But maybe, just maybe.... they'll F*&^ with the WRONG person who has deep pockets, and time on their hands. THAT would be epic!