Boy...I REALLY don't miss ISI!
This Christmas, I'm grateful I no longer have to scour case logs and submit blood numbers. Or beg GYN's to add-on simple/ridiculous cases. I never have to attend any more ridiculous WWSMs where self-important wind-bags "take the stage".
No more round-robins, role plays or "compelling openings"... Ugh, just felt a douche chill!
Many @ ISI don't have a clue as to what's important in life. They wouldn't dare speak of their wife or children, or hint they actually have a personal life. I had to hide the fact that I coached our son's little league team because that's viewed as "weak". Well, sorry...but I'm a human being and I value my familiy. My priorities (and my house) are soundly in order.
I no longer need to feign interest in what my fellow ASM/CSM/CSD is buying (newest car/boat/vacation home). Seriously, dudes - WHO CARES? I couldn't care less what your E*Trade account is trending at today. Because seriously - your MORAL bank account has been negative for so long, that it's no WONDER you're a divorced sad sack of a joke.
Sure, your "team" rallies around you at night over beers. But trust me, behind your back, you're a joke. You're lonely. You're a lost soul. I almost feel sorry for you. ALMOST.
I left on my own terms, and I'm happy to be a part of a startup that values creativity, work/life balance, and out-of-box thinking. I am no longer owned by ISI. Freedom.
My VP truly leads by setting a great example. He has integrity, he eats dinner with his family, he coaches 2x a week, and he's a volunteer for the Red Cross in his "spare time". This multi-faceted approach to leadership has made me aware that I was drinking the rank Kook Aid for way too long. My wife and kids are thrilled I'm home more, we laugh more, play games as a "team", and this has carried over into more success and satisfaction in my new sales gig. Since it's Christmas Time - I kind of feel like the family guy in "It's a Wonderful Life"....
My only regret was not leaving sooner. 4 years was a LONG time. Happy Holidays people!