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Challenger Selling. Is it really working?


How many of us read the book? Had to interview making notations of it? In my territory I suspect other companies are reading it and instituting its principles because....offices are shutting down! Anyone else thinks this is really making impact?


Yes, Yes Other companies ARE adopting this as their sales model - just scroll through these message boards - you'll find them.

And YES! if reps use this approach it will have an impact - that impact is.....??

Who the hell do we think we are - challenging Drs?? The most educated group ....

Please, lets go back to being respectful to our customers and work with them to find appropriate pts for our drugs

How many of us read the book? Had to interview making notations of it? In my territory I suspect other companies are reading it and instituting its principles because....offices are shutting down! Anyone else thinks this is really making impact?

do you really think that what you do is selling ?

Yes, Yes Other companies ARE adopting this as their sales model - just scroll through these message boards - you'll find them.

And YES! if reps use this approach it will have an impact - that impact is.....??

Who the hell do we think we are - challenging Drs?? The most educated group ....

Please, lets go back to being respectful to our customers and work with them to find appropriate pts for our drugs

We are simply being put in this no win situation because we are considered to be nothing more then disposable waste by the mgmt. They know this is a disrespectful way to address doctors and that we will be shit on by offices for doing it. They also know that in this tough access situation that we are in today, that we may influence a few more in their favor at the cost of those not writing to further restrict our access anyway.
Bottom line, this is nothing more then using us as kamikazes who are soon to be greatly reduced in number.
Guess what? I'm not that foolish. I refuse to be treated as a mindless pawn who is thrown into an uncomfortable, inappropriate situation. Not worth it. I have too much self respect. Not to mention that I really believe many more of us are going to be laid off soon anyway.

And rolling it out the the "global" organization....wonder how that is going to work for the reps in Japan?
Looks good on a strategic paper plan, but good luck executing it. Can you say major cluster??

We are simply being put in this no win situation because we are considered to be nothing more then disposable waste by the mgmt. They know this is a disrespectful way to address doctors and that we will be shit on by offices for doing it. They also know that in this tough access situation that we are in today, that we may influence a few more in their favor at the cost of those not writing to further restrict our access anyway.
Bottom line, this is nothing more then using us as kamikazes who are soon to be greatly reduced in number.
Guess what? I'm not that foolish. I refuse to be treated as a mindless pawn who is thrown into an uncomfortable, inappropriate situation. Not worth it. I have too much self respect. Not to mention that I really believe many more of us are going to be laid off soon anyway.

Well put! And if you don't execute the challenger correctly you look like an ass to your offices and you get a PA on your ride along. Some offices I've talked to say the behavior of some reps with their stupid insights are getting ridiculous and docs want to avoid the reps. Many offices shutting down and limiting lunches or bagging them all together.

All this crap they feed you is for people to validate their jobs. Selling is about forming relationships. You can have all the sales classes in the world and every technique under the sun. If you can't make that connection with the staff or hopefully the physician. You are not going to do well. That's why pharma is not sales. Talking to someone for 30 seconds or getting a signature is insane. We are an advertisement. Not a sales person.

All this crap they feed you is for people to validate their jobs. Selling is about forming relationships. You can have all the sales classes in the world and every technique under the sun. If you can't make that connection with the staff or hopefully the physician. You are not going to do well. That's why pharma is not sales. Talking to someone for 30 seconds or getting a signature is insane. We are an advertisement. Not a sales person.

look at your grammar

Challenger sales works great if we actually had a product that exchanges hand in the marketplace, driven by the customers action. When you are on half of the formularies in your area and step edit on some plans, quantity limit on another, prior auth on this one and oh ya for the patient who is on BCBS its Tier 2 unless they have a high deductible Copay like Abbvies choices then its %20 of cash cost along with everyone else except for the employer carve outs. Some versions of insurance use the labs reference range for low which in most cases wouldn't be flagged unless they lost both testicles and were below 50NG/dl. Challenger my ass!
They have wasted alot of time and money with this bullshit. I need SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION based in facts to help my doctors screen and treat more. We used to provide Wang et al which was a 3 year safety study loaded with great information to help the doctor understand treatment. No all I have is a stupid pivotal study, Dhindsa and HIM. Doctors want outcomes and safety information. Where is it Abbvie? Our compliance department is a bunch of pussie asshats!

Challenger sales works great if we actually had a product that exchanges hand in the marketplace, driven by the customers action. When you are on half of the formularies in your area and step edit on some plans, quantity limit on another, prior auth on this one and oh ya for the patient who is on BCBS its Tier 2 unless they have a high deductible Copay like Abbvies choices then its %20 of cash cost along with everyone else except for the employer carve outs. Some versions of insurance use the labs reference range for low which in most cases wouldn't be flagged unless they lost both testicles and were below 50NG/dl. Challenger my ass!
They have wasted alot of time and money with this bullshit. I need SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION based in facts to help my doctors screen and treat more. We used to provide Wang et al which was a 3 year safety study loaded with great information to help the doctor understand treatment. No all I have is a stupid pivotal study, Dhindsa and HIM. Doctors want outcomes and safety information. Where is it Abbvie? Our compliance department is a bunch of pussie asshats!

True that! We all know that all the insights in the world won't trump where your product is placed on formularies. Doctors prescribe what they can based on formulary. With Obama care starting next year...NO OFFICES will be doing any PA's or Step Edits..there will be so many patients to treat that they will prescribe what is easy and cheap with no extra time, effort, or issues. Cover my Meds will be useless. Obama Care is the start of a single payer nation...socialized medicine is right around the corner and if your product has a generic your definitely screwed and docs will NOT prescribe your drug...period. You better find a drug with no generic equivalent now and especially going forward. If we keep up this Challenger selling..which most reps/DMs execute incorrectly..we WILL be shut out of offices. Stop the madness now..be of value to your offices - try to make their job easier and the lives of patients better without patronizing the docs and their staff with this horrific Challenger crap.

True that! We all know that all the insights in the world won't trump where your product is placed on formularies. Doctors prescribe what they can based on formulary. With Obama care starting next year...NO OFFICES will be doing any PA's or Step Edits..there will be so many patients to treat that they will prescribe what is easy and cheap with no extra time, effort, or issues. Cover my Meds will be useless. Obama Care is the start of a single payer nation...socialized medicine is right around the corner and if your product has a generic your definitely screwed and docs will NOT prescribe your drug...period. You better find a drug with no generic equivalent now and especially going forward. If we keep up this Challenger selling..which most reps/DMs execute incorrectly..we WILL be shut out of offices. Stop the madness now..be of value to your offices - try to make their job easier and the lives of patients better without patronizing the docs and their staff with this horrific Challenger crap.

Believe you just rationalized the fact that drug reps are becoming more and more unnecessary and of no value to a drug company. Its getting clearer to everyone, thus the reduction in staff to date and many more to come.

All this crap they feed you is for people to validate their jobs. Selling is about forming relationships. You can have all the sales classes in the world and every technique under the sun. If you can't make that connection with the staff or hopefully the physician. You are not going to do well. That's why pharma is not sales. Talking to someone for 30 seconds or getting a signature is insane. We are an advertisement. Not a sales person.

Here is the formula for success: Good formulary position; period.

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