Challenger sales works great if we actually had a product that exchanges hand in the marketplace, driven by the customers action. When you are on half of the formularies in your area and step edit on some plans, quantity limit on another, prior auth on this one and oh ya for the patient who is on BCBS its Tier 2 unless they have a high deductible Copay like Abbvies choices then its %20 of cash cost along with everyone else except for the employer carve outs. Some versions of insurance use the labs reference range for low which in most cases wouldn't be flagged unless they lost both testicles and were below 50NG/dl. Challenger my ass!
They have wasted alot of time and money with this bullshit. I need SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION based in facts to help my doctors screen and treat more. We used to provide Wang et al which was a 3 year safety study loaded with great information to help the doctor understand treatment. No all I have is a stupid pivotal study, Dhindsa and HIM. Doctors want outcomes and safety information. Where is it Abbvie? Our compliance department is a bunch of pussie asshats!