Chairman of Audit Committee Resignation


On November 5, 2014, Kevin Roberg resigned from his position as Director and Chair of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of Universal Hospital Services, Inc. Any word on why he left. Was there fear that year end results reporting might create some liability? The timing seems strange; he is preceding GB out the door.

On November 5, 2014, Kevin Roberg resigned from his position as Director and Chair of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of Universal Hospital Services, Inc. Any word on why he left. Was there fear that year end results reporting might create some liability? The timing seems strange; he is preceding GB out the door.

And on the same date, our BOD was able to elect John Workman to replace Roberg as a Director and Chair of the Audit Committee.

(sniff, sniff) What's that fishy smell?

In looking at the Q3-14 financial result slides it appears that there were some changes to the year over year metrics used to track results, some asterisks on the box scores if you will..... Anyone understand what that was about?