Ceterix Acquisition

That patch for 125 million plus 85 million over next 5 years? You don’t think that’s a bit ridiculous for a rotator cuff patch. If the products are so good, why is S&N sports getting crushed by the competition still?

That patch for 125 million plus 85 million over next 5 years? You don’t think that’s a bit ridiculous for a rotator cuff patch. If the products are so good, why is S&N sports getting crushed by the competition still?
Has nothing to do with products. More to do with leadership, vision & strategy.

Absolutely leadership and strategy are the most important thing and that strategy better be to let us carry other lines like our competitors.
You’re an employee. You signed an employment agreement saying you woud represent them. Most likely, you chose the position because of the base pay & benefits. If you want to carry multiple lines, do yourself a favor and find a position as an independent rep.

No way he looks the other way like others in the past. The new sheriff in town is going to clean things up and the best time to do it is right when you start. You can attribute loses to cleaning house.