Cephalon lied to shareholders


On multiple occasions, Cephalon stated publicly, in earnings calls, etc that they were filing for a front line iNHL indication for Treanda. They kept pushing the date back. Last I heard, it was December. I always told the truth when I told compliance that they never intended to file. I heard this discussed by some of the highest level people within Cephalon, including BC. This will make for a great 2nd case, with the SEC. : )

On multiple occasions, Cephalon stated publicly, in earnings calls, etc that they were filing for a front line iNHL indication for Treanda. They kept pushing the date back. Last I heard, it was December. I always told the truth when I told compliance that they never intended to file. I heard this discussed by some of the highest level people within Cephalon, including BC. This will make for a great 2nd case, with the SEC. : )

Cephalon doesn't exist and neither do you.