CEO Albert's model identical to fired CEO McKinnell


Those who have been around, CEO Albert is using same playbook & model his first couple of yrs as 2000s CEO McKinnel who took Pfe stock down 60% & was fired w a 90million buyout. Albert's decisions & actions are s a clone of McKinnel - eery identical ---yikes. Maybe Albert wants a 8 figure buyout also!


Wow I forgot how Hank McKinnell drove Pfizer into the ground before being ousted .
I never thought about the similarities but you are spot one ! Amazing as thing through Albert's business model and decisions, it is absolutely like McKinnell's.
That is F ing scary ! Not similar but IDENTICAL so far.
Stock price reacted the same with both also.
Down down down since 1st day on the job.
Next would be layoffs & that would be tell tell twin!

Wow I forgot how Hank McKinnell drove Pfizer into the ground before being ousted .
I never thought about the similarities but you are spot one ! Amazing as thing through Albert's business model and decisions, it is absolutely like McKinnell's.
That is F ing scary ! Not similar but IDENTICAL so far.
Stock price reacted the same with both also.
Down down down since 1st day on the job.
Next would be layoffs & that would be tell tell twin!
I started out of MBA school at that time, and this is the most accurate post on all of cafe pharma. They nailed it to Albert model so far has been identical to McKinnel's crash & burn model & actions. Maybe they went to the same business school! This is sooooooo ucanny its scary

Those who have been around, CEO Albert is using same playbook & model his first couple of yrs as 2000s CEO McKinnel who took Pfe stock down 60% & was fired w a 90million buyout. Albert's decisions & actions are s a clone of McKinnel - eery identical ---yikes. Maybe Albert wants a 8 figure buyout also!
Wow uncanny & you are 100000000% right.
Albert business model & decisions IDENTICAL to McKinnell who drive Pfizer into the ground & was fired.
Actions are 100% the same. Amazing

Wow I forgot how Hank McKinnell drove Pfizer into the ground before being ousted .
I never thought about the similarities but you are spot one ! Amazing as thing through Albert's business model and decisions, it is absolutely like McKinnell's.
That is F ing scary ! Not similar but IDENTICAL so far.
Stock price reacted the same with both also.
Down down down since 1st day on the job.
Next would be layoffs & that would be tell tell twin!
Comparing the two 15yrs apart, their actions are not similar rather carbon copy.
So exact that it is dejavu . You sure Albert isnt McKinnells long lost Spanish test tube twin??

Who started this echo chamber?

the two strategies are very different. The times are very different. The company is very different.

Sorry if I don’t see your similarities. I have no clue what you’re looking at.

I see a major transformation into a different very Pfizer beginning vs McKinnell who sought to be all things to all stakeholders which proved to be a poor strategy.

I have to add this question - what do you people think the two strategies are? I think you all are wrong about what it is.

This is a great B-school question so you should like this if you graduated from one.

Who started this echo chamber?

the two strategies are very different. The times are very different. The company is very different.

Sorry if I don’t see your similarities. I have no clue what you’re looking at.

I see a major transformation into a different very Pfizer beginning vs McKinnell who sought to be all things to all stakeholders which proved to be a poor strategy.
Wow. I am in total agreement The strategies of Hank and Albert are so completely different. Hank had a stragedy, and Albert has THE STRATEGY. And the times are so different. This is 2020. The OP is a troll from J&J, ha.

You’ve got it Wong

Hanky- big bloated empire
Bert- shrink and grow

The new PFE should be able to demonstrate and deliver sales growth. It will likely become an acquisition target over the next five years. Bertie is just finishing the work that began about 10 years ago when Eenie became ceo. (Frankie’s financial genius idea, time will tell)

You’ve got it Wong

Hanky- big bloated empire
Bert- shrink and grow

The new PFE should be able to demonstrate and deliver sales growth. It will likely become an acquisition target over the next five years. Bertie is just finishing the work that began about 10 years ago when Eenie became ceo. (Frankie’s financial genius idea, time will tell)
WTF are you trying to say. Day drinking is ALWAYS a bad idea.

You’ve got it Wong

Hanky- big bloated empire
Bert- shrink and grow

The new PFE should be able to demonstrate and deliver sales growth. It will likely become an acquisition target over the next five years. Bertie is just finishing the work that began about 10 years ago when Eenie became ceo. (Frankie’s financial genius idea, time will tell)

You are loony but know more than you are able to say. You almost got it right.

It's all BS and smokin mirrors. Albert says he cares about all Pfizer employees, yet he is allowing people to quietly lose their jobs contrary to his corporate message we are all one big family. There is no pride in throwing people into uncertainty unless they ask or deserve it. Second, Albert signed the corporate social responsibility pledge with other pharma CEO's, so not only is he showing irrelevance to Pfizer employees being pushed out the door, he's thumbing his nose to share holders relative to return on their investment.

It's all BS and smokin mirrors. Albert says he cares about all Pfizer employees, yet he is allowing people to quietly lose their jobs contrary to his corporate message we are all one big family. There is no pride in throwing people into uncertainty unless they ask or deserve it. Second, Albert signed the corporate social responsibility pledge with other pharma CEO's, so not only is he showing irrelevance to Pfizer employees being pushed out the door, he's thumbing his nose to share holders relative to return on their investment.
you need a dictionary

It's all BS and smokin mirrors. Albert says he cares about all Pfizer employees, yet he is allowing people to quietly lose their jobs contrary to his corporate message we are all one big family. There is no pride in throwing people into uncertainty unless they ask or deserve it. Second, Albert signed the corporate social responsibility pledge with other pharma CEO's, so not only is he showing irrelevance to Pfizer employees being pushed out the door, he's thumbing his nose to share holders relative to return on their investment.

Not if you be from Brooklyn!

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