CDC vaccine duration efficacy data


120 days after last shot:
Pfizer goes from 93% to 77%
Moderna stays same 92% to 92%
J&J stays same 78% to 78%

All CEOs made comments,
-Pfizer admitted to being weaker to manage side effects so need 3rd vax booster to get back to 90%
- Moderna says theirs last 1 year before loosing efficacy
-J&J said theirs last at least 1yr also, sees just a once year shot like flu.

***(70% people who have been vaxed have taken Pfizer & will need 3rd shot this year)

120 days after last shot:
Pfizer goes from 93% to 77%
Moderna stays same 92% to 92%
J&J stays same 78% to 78%

All CEOs made comments,
-Pfizer admitted to being weaker to manage side effects so need 3rd vax booster to get back to 90%
- Moderna says theirs last 1 year before loosing efficacy
-J&J said theirs last at least 1yr also, sees just a once year shot like flu.

***(70% people who have been vaxed have taken Pfizer & will need 3rd shot this year)

As usual, Pfizer is on the bottom. Surprised Pfizer was willing to admit it. Glad I got the Moderna.
The truth is, they all have their limitations, and are all 50/50 in efficacy. Either way, No booster for me no matter what anyone says.

Their worst fear is one of their vaxxed reps having some type of reportable incident. That's why they pulled everyone back out of the field again. They know the shit doesn't work. Now the CDC flipped them the bird on the booster. Has to be the most dysfunctional company ever.

If I was confirmed as having COVID (with mild symptoms) why do I need to get vaccinated to be employed by a company with 100+ employees?

That's a fair question. The answer is because antibody protection from having had the virus in the past, does not last forever. In fact, it seems to vary by person.

LMAO at Crook CEO Albert.
Just 2 wks after saying Pfizer vaccine wears off faster than Moderna and J&J because "we made it not as strong to lessen the side effects knowing it likely would shorten the duration of effacacy". To todays announcement that a "Lower Dose" works on kids???????
If lighter dose cut adult duration to 4-5 months, then even a smaller dose than that would make our kids get shots w every quarter.
What a nightmare & Fing Racket Albert & Biden are pulling over on the world
All about more shots for more $$$$$$$$$

F this company. If I dont get laid off in Jan, I am flat out quiting .. i do not want to be associated with such an unethical co that intentially shortens therapy to sell more doses.
And thats only half of the company problems. Firing US reps same week hiring illegal refugees from Afgan is non American and a disgrace.

LMAO at Crook CEO Albert.
Just 2 wks after saying Pfizer vaccine wears off faster than Moderna and J&J because "we made it not as strong to lessen the side effects knowing it likely would shorten the duration of effacacy". To todays announcement that a "Lower Dose" works on kids???????
If lighter dose cut adult duration to 4-5 months, then even a smaller dose than that would make our kids get shots w every quarter.
What a nightmare & Fing Racket Albert & Biden are pulling over on the world
All about more shots for more $$$$$$$$$

F this company. If I dont get laid off in Jan, I am flat out quiting .. i do not want to be associated with such an unethical co that intentially shortens therapy to sell more doses.
And thats only half of the company problems. Firing US reps same week hiring illegal refugees from Afgan is non American and a disgrace.

just quit now