CBS Sunday Morning - Meetings are a waste


Did everyone see CBS Sunday Morning? Regeneron is the biggest culprit of having meetings "Just to have meetings." The national studies have shown reducing meetings by 40% increases productivity by 71%, yet despite teams going to their managers pleading to have less meetings. We all know what happened in Las Vegas and that was an enormous waste of time, money, and overall morale. Of course we all know they will pad the survey results to display excellent overall company ratings. Another example, is hourly district meetings every single week. How many of you have gone to your manager requesting a meeting every other week with valid reasons only to be told that it will always be weekly. We have all been in district meeting calls where absolutely nothing new is presented. One day, there will be a realization these excessive meetings are nothing more than justifying certain positions.

The problem is pharma is still operating with a 1970's sales model. Meetings= Waste of Time. Ridiculous costume and theme parties( very middle school). Not to mention the long winded windbags that can't wait to get on stage and babble about delivering the message. The lack of empathy for traveling on weekends and how many stupid meetings have gone on in December and January. The money wasted with these Mr Rodgers like meetings could be spent for TV advertising and samples which would be much more useful. But Len and the rest of the Cavemen will continue on this journey of stupidity.

Did everyone see CBS Sunday Morning? Regeneron is the biggest culprit of having meetings "Just to have meetings." The national studies have shown reducing meetings by 40% increases productivity by 71%, yet despite teams going to their managers pleading to have less meetings. We all know what happened in Las Vegas and that was an enormous waste of time, money, and overall morale. Of course we all know they will pad the survey results to display excellent overall company ratings. Another example, is hourly district meetings every single week. How many of you have gone to your manager requesting a meeting every other week with valid reasons only to be told that it will always be weekly. We have all been in district meeting calls where absolutely nothing new is presented. One day, there will be a realization these excessive meetings are nothing more than justifying certain positions.

Not every team has weekly team meetings —thankfully! But you are correct, the weekly meeting is antiquated and not needed to just have everyone join to say how has your week been, what did you do this week that was successful and share.