Causes for Low Libido ?


I want to know the real reason behind decreased libido in men. What are the factors causing it which eventually leads to bad sexual life in men ? How to deal with it ?

I agree. The fat ugly wife will do it every time.

Divorce is the only answer unless you love her. If you love her go through the motions. Lots of wives do it for their fat ugly husbands.

But lots of guys love their fat ugly wives. When the lights go out use your imagination. Chances are you're no golden trophy either. Put yourself in her shoes.

It all depends where your priorities are.

Good luck whatever you determine your problem to be.

I really don't understand this concept but glad you are suffering from it, I view it as less competation when I get old and my kids stick me in a nursing home, you can play checkers with Fred while I take care of the ladies.


This is exactly why we need Polygamy in this country. What's even worse, is a fat wife, who can't understand why you aren't attracted to her. Get someone on the side to keep the Libido going.

Part of it is just the aging process. You aren't going to be 21 forever. Testosterone levels begin falling as early as the mid 30s. Vericose veins and circulatory issues can have an impact.

That's not to say that a guy just needs to accept it as inevitable. Diet, exercise and supplements can all help.

In general, the better health you are in the better you can perform in any activity including sex.

First of all are you under a lot of stress?
Or are you looking at too much porn? I had a friend who was a camera man in the industry and he lost all interest in sex. His psychologist told him this is true even from watching too much videos.
3) I know everyone is making comments about your wife or significant other being fat. That is bull...are you out of shape? If you have not been keeping yourself fit with lots of cardio this can do it to. Don't fall into the trap of needing testosterone this is the biggest scam right now! I am not joking on this.

It sounds like your married. How does your wife treat you, it works to ways, even if she is hot and you tell her that , if she does not seem interested in you it is a big turn off.

My first advice is to hit the Gym three days at least of cardio some weights to keep the muscles up. If you also follow a low carb diet under 200 grams of carbs this could help and don't get caught up in the gluten free craze..unless you have Celiac disease its all bull too!

First of all are you under a lot of stress?
Or are you looking at too much porn? I had a friend who was a camera man in the industry and he lost all interest in sex. His psychologist told him this is true even from watching too much videos.
3) I know everyone is making comments about your wife or significant other being fat. That is bull...are you out of shape? If you have not been keeping yourself fit with lots of cardio this can do it to. Don't fall into the trap of needing testosterone this is the biggest scam right now! I am not joking on this.

It sounds like your married. How does your wife treat you, it works two ways, even if she is hot and you tell her that , if she does not seem interested in you it is a big turn off.

My first advice is to hit the Gym three days at least of cardio some weights to keep the muscles up. If you also follow a low carb diet under 200 grams of carbs this could help and don't get caught up in the gluten free craze..unless you have Celiac disease its all bull too!

Sorry for the repeat, my spell check had butchered the to, too, and two

for me, it is odd. I am 45. I can cum a second time only after about 8 minutes then again and again. It was never that way years ago. My load isnt as big. Back in the day, I was like Peter North. Poor women needed a shower. But, now, friends of mine use cialis and viagra. I can get it up again and again.

i am sad that my wife doesnt want sex

First of all are you under a lot of stress?
Or are you looking at too much porn? I had a friend who was a camera man in the industry and he lost all interest in sex. His psychologist told him this is true even from watching too much videos.
3) I know everyone is making comments about your wife or significant other being fat. That is bull...are you out of shape? If you have not been keeping yourself fit with lots of cardio this can do it to. Don't fall into the trap of needing testosterone this is the biggest scam right now! I am not joking on this.

It sounds like your married. How does your wife treat you, it works to ways, even if she is hot and you tell her that , if she does not seem interested in you it is a big turn off.

My first advice is to hit the Gym three days at least of cardio some weights to keep the muscles up. If you also follow a low carb diet under 200 grams of carbs this could help and don't get caught up in the gluten free craze..unless you have Celiac disease its all bull too!

^Listen to this.

If you are not having sex with your partner, you are half of the blame. Do something about yourself first. If the partner isn't responsive after that, dump her/him and get with someone who wants to be with the new and improved you.

^Listen to this.

If you are not having sex with your partner, you are half of the blame. Do something about yourself first. If the partner isn't responsive after that, dump her/him and get with someone who wants to be with the new and improved you.

Sage advice, exactly what I did. I can now be public with my gorgeous Asian Girlfriend, who has rocked my world for five years. Yes, it can be expensive, but like the old saying goes: "Why are Divorces so Expensive? Because they are WORTH IT."

Getting old sucks. Once I can't have sex the way I want, I am putting a gun in my mouth and ending it all. I don't want to be some old flabby wrinkled geezer with a beer belly and a limp dick. I see way too many flabby and smelly middle aged guys complaining about how stressed they are about their marriage and kids. Forget that.