This is a new part of our benefit package in 2014. Instead of commission we can get Zilmax to eat.
This is a new part of our benefit package in 2014. Instead of commission we can get Zilmax to eat.
Part of the testing is that QA straps on the old feedbag and chows down on five pounds a day. Then we see if they are gaining more pounds than usual. The strange thing is Merck never asked them to do it.
Troll alert. Do not feed. Disregard this meaningless but funny post. Thx.
Troll alert. Do not feed. Disregard this meaningless post. Thx.
Please clarify: Do not feed the troll or QA?
Thanks in advance.
1-800-mix a lot and kick them nasty thoughts.Don't feed the troll Zilmax. It belongs to QA. Holo likes big butts and he cannot lie.
The troll police.
This is gonna be served in the cafeterias at Merck
Don't feed the troll Zilmax. It belongs to QA. Holo likes big butts and he cannot lie.
The troll police.
It's easy to confuse a herd of cows with a herd of QA women. Especially when they are running around looking for food.