Cars that Reps get


Hey Kowa reps... I've had enough with big pharma and I was thinking of applying for an opening I saw.

What kind of cars do you have and how often do you typical ride with your DM?

BTW, I've seen worse things happen to bonuses in Big Pharma, I think it is just the nature of the beast.

We get the choice of a Ford Fusion or Nissan Altima. Bonuses aren't too bad either. I work in a tough MC area and will make more than 10G this year in bonuses. Not like the good old days w/big pharma, but not bad either. Our statin isn't a bad drug and with decent MC, we would do much better. DM's ride alongs depend on your district.

Hey Kowa reps... I've had enough with big pharma and I was thinking of applying for an opening I saw.

What kind of cars do you have and how often do you typical ride with your DM?

BTW, I've seen worse things happen to bonuses in Big Pharma, I think it is just the nature of the beast.

Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself in to? If you're'll make 5K in bonus for the year, but that's a stretch.