Carolina's HCV fall from grace


What happened to the top ranked Carolina's team. They loose their RSD, replace with an unqualified replacement that doesn't know what day it is and then three of the team members leave and I hear more are to follow. Now look at their ranking??? I've heard all the excuses but we pasted them in ranking for the first time and we stayed ranked were we have always been.

The only dead weight was the PAH / CS team, that's why they are gone. JCs original team All were PCA winners and several of them, multiple times. What other team accomplished this? Go back and get another bottle of wine.

Another one drops and I wonder who the might leader will fill that territory with? I can only guess that it will be the favorite child that has proven no results since she went on a rotation without even being in her new position. She couldn't produce any results or build any relationships with her customers and expected her colleagues to manage her territory. Speaking of dead weight, she could sink the titanic. Still one or two more to drop in the upcoming months. Leadership matters.

All I can say favorites in Carolinas.. the pet moved territories. Talk about biased staying at her house during field travel. How can one be truly objective. Careful what you say no trust.
New England people were looking but stopped bc of virus. Leadership lacking in the area right to the top.

One year later and what has improved? 0! Same old bull shit. Crappy RSD with a drunk sidekick. If the RSD would ever look into the expense reports and some of the pre-dinner programs of the sidekick, she would realize why sidekick has to overnight when only an hour from home. DUI's are not tolerated in the industry.