I agree with the original poster, first of all a cash stipend are you kidding, a one time payment, which after taxes, does not mean squat, if they were really serious about it and retaining good reps they would make it part of your salary. I have never, ever, seen/heard/or been with a company that made their employees pay for their promotions-what a joke- just a quick question there have been a lot of promotions in the home office lately I wonder how many classes they were made to take and if they got a raise or a "stipend". Lastly, make the promotions obtainable for the whole country not just the north east. Good try Kowa but you might want to re-do some of this mess if you really want to retain good reps which was supposed to be the reason why this was put in to place in the first place. Oh yeah, one more thing, what is the career path for managers, seems as though Kowa has a lot of turnover and I am sure it isn't because we didn't have a career path in place, might want to give the managers a stipend to shoot for too.