

So let me get this straight, you guys would like to employ my services but

A. I will have to give up my co. car
B. Go out buy a vehicle
C. Be stuck with the car, 30K, in a year when Onyx bought out
D. Be stuck in market where this drug will be used after 4 other therapies have been exhausted per clinical trial?

Um, probably not for me!

Haters are confused admirers. Love it when those don't get the job bash this opportunity to make themselves feel better sad. I am ready to make some money and Bayer will bring us on for GIST!! Can't wait!!

So let me get this straight, you guys would like to employ my services but

A. I will have to give up my co. car
B. Go out buy a vehicle
C. Be stuck with the car, 30K, in a year when Onyx bought out
D. Be stuck in market where this drug will be used after 4 other therapies have been exhausted per clinical trial?

Um, probably not for me!

Big Pharma hack I see. Yup stay where you are Ive had car allowances and milage at my last three oncology companies and I would never want to go back to a company car! Even if we last a year you Onyx will more or less have paid for at least half of it based on the allowance but more so the 55 cents per mile. Whenever they even hint about company cars we scream foul! Just ask any DNA rep about lucrative car allowances. If you don't get it you are perfect for big Pharma oncology.