Car Trackers? WTF!

What on earth. Trackers?? Is t this a prIvacy issue?? Horrible Culture

enter your damn calls on time and it won't be a problem. they only look further when they need to

first check - sales suck
second check - calls in computer all day long
third check - where are you bastards

if your sales suck, you might want to enter your calls to end the check list

dumb ass

enter your damn calls on time and it won't be a problem. they only look further when they need to

first check - sales suck
second check - calls in computer all day long
third check - where are you bastards

if your sales suck, you might want to enter your calls to end the check list

dumb ass
Fake tough guy.

Fuck off.

We suck hard. Culture killers.

Not funny, a NUBU rep is in the hospital because of this. He tried to disable the wiring on his fleet ride while it was running. He crossed the inverter wiring and got zapped leading to burns on his arm.

Apparently he had googled how to disable the telematics online and got it wrong. Said vehicle can be viewed on the 2nd floor of the ATO parking garage near the Hertz parking stalls. Fleet has it secured for evidence, check out the burnt wiring and blackened window! It's a white Volvo s60.

Forget ignite change, this dude ignited himself!!!

Apparently miss my FARADAY CADGE MICROWAVE OVEN solution.
Not funny, a NUBU rep is in the hospital because of this. He tried to disable the wiring on his fleet ride while it was running. He crossed the inverter wiring and got zapped leading to burns on his arm.

Apparently he had googled how to disable the telematics online and got it wrong. Said vehicle can be viewed on the 2nd floor of the ATO parking garage near the Hertz parking stalls. Fleet has it secured for evidence, check out the burnt wiring and blackened window! It's a white Volvo s60.

Forget ignite change, this dude ignited himself!!!

enter your damn calls on time and it won't be a problem. they only look further when they need to

first check - sales suck
second check - calls in computer all day long
third check - where are you bastards

if your sales suck, you might want to enter your calls to end the check list

dumb ass
Some Amgen managers are all about TARGETING people they just decide they don't like whether their numbers are bad or not. Trust me. My NC manager will use any way she can to get rid of someone and she's got a hair-trigger so no...... you don't have to accrue the checks above for them to use this as a tool to get rid of you.

So f’ed,

each vehicle will be assigned your home address as the “garage address” where it starts and stops each day.

This address allows for the start stop report. (When you got in field when you got home.)

geo fencing all your office locations this shows what time you arrive to providers office, when you stopped your car and FULLY TURNED off ignition. Now to the dumb ass that idles in front of the doctors office because they are to scared to do their job it measures idle time. Trying sitting in a hot car in the summer watching Netflix. They now know the same 5/7 Starbucks you go too.

Everything is here and the data can be interpreted in a million ways.

No more taking the company car on road trips to Disney.

Some Amgen managers are all about TARGETING people they just decide they don't like whether their numbers are bad or not. Trust me. My NC manager will use any way she can to get rid of someone and she's got a hair-trigger so no...... you don't have to accrue the checks above for them to use this as a tool to get rid of you.
I know who you are talking about!

So f’ed,

each vehicle will be assigned your home address as the “garage address” where it starts and stops each day.

This address allows for the start stop report. (When you got in field when you got home.)

geo fencing all your office locations this shows what time you arrive to providers office, when you stopped your car and FULLY TURNED off ignition. Now to the dumb ass that idles in front of the doctors office because they are to scared to do their job it measures idle time. Trying sitting in a hot car in the summer watching Netflix. They now know the same 5/7 Starbucks you go too.

Everything is here and the data can be interpreted in a million ways.

No more taking the company car on road trips to Disney.

Did they have that on the small school bus you rode on the way to the Special Olympics?

On conference call they stated other Pharma companies are using Telematics. I've ask 7 other reps none of their companies use this device. Most big companies are self insured, does Amgen have the worst drivers??
Must be another reason they are spending this kind of money. Maybe they are tracking our overtime and will send us a BIG check.

Did they have that on the small school bus you rode on the way to the Special Olympics?

Sorry r***** go look at Verizon network fleet, telogis, sage etc their websites tell you what they do. It’s not a secret it’s how they sell it, go look at the you tube videos those companies put up to show those reports being run sorry you are in denial and need to use mental health jokes as a means to bash my insight.

Sorry r***** go look at Verizon network fleet, telogis, sage etc their websites tell you what they do. It’s not a secret it’s how they sell it, go look at the you tube videos those companies put up to show those reports being run sorry you are in denial and need to use mental health jokes as a means to bash my insight.

Stop begging boy. Nobody worth their salt gives a shit about tracking. Only the lowly bottom ranked non-performers are worried about getting snagged.

Stop begging boy. Nobody worth their salt gives a shit about tracking. Only the lowly bottom ranked non-performers are worried about getting snagged.

Haaaaaaaa hahahhaa! You think so do you? Buddy you are now blip on a map that Amgen will be watching too see how productive you actually are let me guess you must be a Texass or Florida rep? Those 2 territories were of particular concern during our sales pitch. I don’t even work here I’m just the guy who sold it to your company, I actually reference cafepharma threads when I pitch this solution to pharma companies.

If they fire someone over this tracking, wouldn’t the ENTIRE sales force be gone? And they can’t fire just a few if everyone is guilty. I work very hard, but no one can honestly say they work 9-5 every single day.

If they fire someone over this tracking, wouldn’t the ENTIRE sales force be gone? And they can’t fire just a few if everyone is guilty. I work very hard, but no one can honestly say they work 9-5 every single day.
NO...... at Amgen some people are targeted while they'll look the other way with others. That's been proven over and over again. It's a normal thing here. It'll be used as a tool to target no matter what sales performance. Trust me.