Car Thief/Arsonist Issa Caught In A Big Lie

He's a 70 something child with a nice case of Alzheimers goin' on....

What grown up would feel the need to imitate a name and avatar and in order to blurt out their venom?

hes a teabagger nuff said ;)
i think its actually funny
u missed thurs morning, we shanked him 4 times in 1 morning he went away all day but did bring his sorry ass back like nothing happened
fortunately, we reminded him of his quatro-shanking:D

hes a teabagger nuff said ;)
i think its actually funny
u missed thurs morning, we shanked him 4 times in 1 morning he went away all day but did bring his sorry ass back like nothing happened
fortunately, we reminded him of his quatro-shanking:D[/QUOTE/]

I wish it WAS me in the doppleganger suit.

By the way..I fucking OWN you. All you can think about is trying to get revenge. You can claim you shanked me all you want, but deep down inside your heart I fucking OWN you and you know it!

If I were to quit coming to CP you would get bored and quit. And AD...stop licking BN's balls.
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I wish it WAS me.

By the way..I fucking OWN you.
If I were to quit coming to CP you would get bored and quit. And AD...stop licking BN's balls.

A sure sign of surrender is when the lying bastard Bubble Boy starts with his 'I own you' crap.

Bubble Boy is a prime example of the weak and sick getting seperated from the herd.