Capital vs disposable?


Time for a move and I want to look at capital sales but have never done it. I am Curious to see what some tenured reps think about selling capital vs disposables in today's market?


Time for a move and I want to look at capital sales but have never done it. I am Curious to see what some tenured reps think about selling capital vs disposables in today's market?

Have done both and if you like an environment where you have to go through LONGGGGG buying cycles, constant prospecting, month to month stress, then capital is way to go... Disposables is stressful too, but at least you build annuity base and can less roller coaster to income...

I have thought about doing the same. Ask yourself: Would you rather be covering cases/servicing current accounts and doing inventory or continually prospecting? Whichever you find more enjoyable is what you should do.

Have done both and if you like an environment where you have to go through LONGGGGG buying cycles, constant prospecting, month to month stress, then capital is way to go... Disposables is stressful too, but at least you build annuity base and can less roller coaster to income...

Capital Equipment = 1 customer, 1 sale, and 1 large commission.
Disposables = 1 customer, numerous ongoing sales, and continuing smaller commissions.

Capital Equipment: No new customer sales = No commissions.
Disposables: Existing customer sales = Continuous commissions.

Passive ongoing commissions = annuity income.

Disposables keeps the monthly nut paid. Capital pays for vacations.

Disposables are best. Doing both is better.

Depends on the type of capital. Selling a Davinci is different than selling an ultra sound machine. In my opinion selling mid level capital is the way to go. Things that have to be replaced and accounts that you can sell in diff depts.

Disposables sucks! You are at the mercy Of materials manager. Those items are watched so closely and you spend most of your time fighting off threats. Selling disposables was good before all of this penny pinching started.

A good capital rep/ terry will earn you 20-50% more than any disposable job. It all depends on the product and reputation.

A good capital sales rep is generally more polished than a disposables rep..i.e. MBA, consulting experience and such. I am referring to capital sales roles with high salaries (140-200k) not the others. I have been selling disposable devices for a few years now (low 150k & high 380k).

A good capital sales rep is generally more polished than a disposables rep..i.e. MBA, consulting experience and such. I am referring to capital sales roles with high salaries (140-200k) not the others. I have been selling disposable devices for a few years now (low 150k & high 380k).

yes because there are so many capital jobs with those salaries. Stick to selling trocars son.

Don't sell trocars...hence my good pay. Those salaries do exist, the companies are just very selective. I'm talking about selling R&D machines for genetic engineering (MS, PhD required ), complex analytical software tools...the multimillion dollar investments....not your standard OR equipment

Don't sell trocars...hence my good pay. Those salaries do exist, the companies are just very selective. I'm talking about selling R&D machines for genetic engineering (MS, PhD required ), complex analytical software tools...the multimillion dollar investments....not your standard OR equipment
Then be specific because that is not your typical medical capital job

...illumina, thermo and life tech, ion torrent and such.....genetic engineering, dna sequencing ....many reps have an MS or PhD in molecular biology but command 160k bases and avg 300k.

...illumina, thermo and life tech, ion torrent and such.....genetic engineering, dna sequencing ....many reps have an MS or PhD in molecular biology but command 160k bases and avg 300k.

I guess the part of ex athletes and shit stains with 3.0s in Business Admin that make up the med device world you don't get? Who the f do you know because someone with a name that looks like the pound sign who has a phd in molecular biology?

Your point sucks because that is a very niche thing that requires a very niche background. In medical you need a pulse and a connection to the game. Not a Stephen Hawkings degree.

I guess the part of ex athletes and shit stains with 3.0s in Business Admin that make up the med device world you don't get? Who the f do you know because someone with a name that looks like the pound sign who has a phd in molecular biology?

Your point sucks because that is a very niche thing that requires a very niche background. In medical you need a pulse and a connection to the game. Not a Stephen Hawkings degree.

hahaha! well played sir, well played

I answered the question that was asked. Please go rant about your low income, how management makes all the money and does nothing. BTW not all athletes are fucking r*****s like you try to stereotype. Now go sell beds.

I answered the question that was asked. Please go rant about your low income, how management makes all the money and does nothing. BTW not all athletes are fucking r*****s like you try to stereotype. Now go sell beds.

We hit a nerve of an ex athlete folks! ding ding ding! Look Al Bundy you can still think of you glory days where you scored 4 tds at polk high and then went to some d3 maybe d2 school and played both ways. No one can take that from you. Maybe you were that rare exception who studied finance and got a 4.0. You are in a job where degrees and prior experience mean nothing. I love seeing reps with MBA on the business card and they cover joint cases. You must bring more value than the dick wad competitor who only has a BA in Sports Mgmt because you read fucking cases studies and broke them down with your "group" and presented them to the class with the other nighttime grads.

Sales is the lowest form of a professional career. It just happens to pay decent but anybody can do it. You and poonjab the indian molecular expert from CERN.

We hit a nerve of an ex athlete folks! ding ding ding! Look Al Bundy you can still think of you glory days where you scored 4 tds at polk high and then went to some d3 maybe d2 school and played both ways. No one can take that from you. Maybe you were that rare exception who studied finance and got a 4.0. You are in a job where degrees and prior experience mean nothing. I love seeing reps with MBA on the business card and they cover joint cases. You must bring more value than the dick wad competitor who only has a BA in Sports Mgmt because you read fucking cases studies and broke them down with your "group" and presented them to the class with the other nighttime grads.

Sales is the lowest form of a professional career. It just happens to pay decent but anybody can do it. You and poonjab the indian molecular expert from CERN.

I was with you until you insulted everyone who is in sales.. Have news for you.. EVERY career is a sales career...NOT everyone can do it...