Candy Crush!


Thank Goodness for Candy Crush and my personal iPad! It makes this crappy job of sitting in your car after calls more bearable. When are our sales leaders going to publish the North American surveys.....not the worldwide ones? They have to know how miserable everyone here is. Seriously:
-more work would be done and we would feel less like we are extremely micromanaged if you took those dumb GPSs out of our cars.
-We work round the clock and do countless dinners, meetings, and have worked harder than ever before. Yet, no one is making bonus this year unless you are a diverter or got a special break on your quota that no one else got. Guess my kids will be eating ramen noodles and I better cancel our trip to Disney!
These stupid leaders need to put themselves in our shoes for once. Then maybe, just maybe, they would do the right things.

Thank Goodness for Candy Crush and my personal iPad! It makes this crappy job of sitting in your car after calls more bearable. When are our sales leaders going to publish the North American surveys.....not the worldwide ones? They have to know how miserable everyone here is. Seriously:
-more work would be done and we would feel less like we are extremely micromanaged if you took those dumb GPSs out of our cars.
-We work round the clock and do countless dinners, meetings, and have worked harder than ever before. Yet, no one is making bonus this year unless you are a diverter or got a special break on your quota that no one else got. Guess my kids will be eating ramen noodles and I better cancel our trip to Disney!
These stupid leaders need to put themselves in our shoes for once. Then maybe, just maybe, they would do the right things.

What level are you up to? I'm at 53

I agree. I don't think it was by accident that the "leaders" decided to run with a 70% commission unless you hit 90% of your quota at the same time that they front loaded all of the quota into the first half. All of the Heartgard and other quota was front loaded. I think that Sanofi told Merial that they need to save money on commissions and bonuses and so they pulled the one-two gut punch to make sure that a lot of Merial employees got screwed out of a lot of commission. I believe only about 50 out of 245 reps actually hit 90% of quota to get the full commissions. Merial saved tons of money by screwing the reps. The engagement surveys will probably be brushed under the rug because they will show that the reps are not happy with the way that leadership is treating the employees. Also...can Merial come up with any other time/money wasting things to make the reps lives more difficult like the new meeting tracking. It was so much easier to do it without overwatch from the ivory tower. Anyone remember Vetview and Merial Advertisement website. How much did Merial pay to set up those useless programs.

They are going to lose sooooooo many of us over how they treat us. Mass exodus is coming!!!! Most reps I know are interviewing with other companies and their number one priority is trying to get outta here!

I think that a lot of people have asked themselves a question -- If they were on the outside, would they apply to their current job? For the ones the left, it was an easy answer. The rest of us decide at the NSM every year when the roll out the new years comp plan.