Cancel your United Way & PAC contributions !


Don't be a fool ! The way Novartis treats you the last thing you should do with your hard earned $$$ is pay them to bribe sleaze ball poiliticians & the 'united' way is a JOKE with their upper mgmnt making well into 6 figures. The head of United Way years ago was pocketing $500K + !!!!!

Just a PR stunt & something Novartis wants to parade around to the govt to say see we're good citizens especially after signing the CIA.

Give (if at all) to your local church , red cross , salvation army or whatever as you see fit .

Do NOT let these morons strong arm you. Tell the DM's MD's to Piss Off.
I left 4 messages to payroll to CANCEL my PAC after I was duped to contribute

They won't even return a call. Take care of it now since they'll procrastinate before getting it done .

You will look like a complete TOOL if you give to these stupid causes as
you get the BOOT in a few months. Grow a spine & tell your mgr to blow you
if they want your hard earned dough . Even then unless they deep throat & swallow
I still would give them $hit well untrue , I would give them Jack & $hit

After laying off 1400 people , screwing you on raises & reviews
they have the gall to solicit you for $$$$$


Shit! I didn't realize that there were any idiots out there who contribute to the United Way, let alone the PAC!! You have got to be totally stupid to give those bastards a single cent! Give your donations to the Salvation Army.