Can you give me some advice on GenPath?

Just read the posts, the are mostly accurate. Also read the website about the agreement with their former VP 0f Sales (what an ass).

Misfits & crooks, promises for big payouts but they cook the books & your revenue reports.

Not a good long term job or one you want on your resume. I have worked at many labs (including GenPath) & this was by far the worst run & most f up!

Does GenPath have a presence in the offices? What's the culture, management and pay like for a position in the midwest? Any information regarding this division would be appreciated.

Does GenPath have a presence in the offices? What's the culture, management and pay like for a position in the midwest? Any information regarding this division would be appreciated.

Hey loser, look at the boards! Do you need someone to paint you a picture?? Ask the competitors on the way Bio conducts business.

Is Genoptiz labs out of the California area any better. Atleast they are attracting professional people.

Please don't base your judgement off of the posts on CafePharma. Almost everything you will read on this site is bitter/angry/gossip. The posts are from people who don't have to sign their names to anything so they let the venom fly.

Talk to local reps in your area who compete against BioReference. Talk to local doctors who are clients of BioReference. These are the people who can tell you what the real opinion is on this (or any) lab.

No place is going to be perfect. But if you talk to enough different people you will start to see a theme emerge that will give you an idea of what the company is like.

The previous post is correct- if you spend anytime at looking cafe pharma boards,you will agree the majority of posts are by people who have only bad things to say- they have an agenda because they taking a beating in the field . If you are interested in a company do some research. Drive by a few offices ask who they use and why , check out what lab boxes are outside . GenPath has an excellent reputation in the field. All clinical labs have their share of drama- Bio is no exception. It is a great job and allows you to make money while making a difference in patient's lives. Bio reps are out there doing what every Lab rep -Quest , LabCorp is doing .

The previous post is correct- if you spend anytime at looking cafe pharma boards,you will agree the majority of posts are by people who have only bad things to say- they have an agenda because they taking a beating in the field . If you are interested in a company do some research. Drive by a few offices ask who they use and why , check out what lab boxes are outside . GenPath has an excellent reputation in the field. All clinical labs have their share of drama- Bio is no exception. It is a great job and allows you to make money while making a difference in patient's lives. Bio reps are out there doing what every Lab rep -Quest , LabCorp is doing .

This might be the first honest post I have ever seen on this entire lab board, congrrats to the poster for being truthful.

Is there any more recent feedback you could give me on GenPath for reps?
Are the reps making good commissions now in 2010, compared to how it was last summer?
Any differences to consider pursuing the company?

Is there any more recent feedback you could give me on GenPath for reps?
Are the reps making good commissions now in 2010, compared to how it was last summer?
Any differences to consider pursuing the company?

Have you ever been in lab sales before? You are asking very stupid questions. If you are in lab sales you should know all of your competitors as well as you know your own company. As far as commissions are concerned you should know that the more you sell the more you make. If you do not sell you are fired. It is called sales. Maybe you should get a government job or work for Burger King. In these jobs you show up and get paid-sounds like exactly what you want.


Can anyone comment specifically on the Women's Health expansion specifically selling the new Genpap test? In the midwest, Bioreference has no presence here, in fact in my market in particular most of the reference labs go through the hospital systems as there is a very small number of independant physician groups. Not having worked in the lab industry before, not sure how viable this market would be. Thoughts would be appreciated.

Re: GenPap?

Can anyone comment specifically on the Women's Health expansion specifically selling the new Genpap test? In the midwest, Bioreference has no presence here, in fact in my market in particular most of the reference labs go through the hospital systems as there is a very small number of independant physician groups. Not having worked in the lab industry before, not sure how viable this market would be. Thoughts would be appreciated.

If you have not worked in the lab industry before, stay away from Bio or other labs because you will fail. The competition is very sharp and admit the fact that you are not. The idea of training beginners has long past. We want instant producers. If you cannot deliver business instantly do not waste your time. Sorry, just the facts of life.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, but you didn't even answer my question!!! BTW-I was contacted by recruiter and am not in a desperate position so I am interviewing this company as much as they are interviewing me. Quite frankly, selling a pap doesn't seem to be too exciting. If you fully read my question, I understand the difference between selling a reference lab versus selling one test for a reference lab. My question is in the viability of selling only the latest and greatest pap in an environment that is a monopoly of large health care systems with very few independant physicians and if this environment is viable or not! How dare you even suggest based on a question that I present that I am not able to deliver results?!

To those of you that are currently selling GenPap, I would love to hear your honest feedback about your experiences.

How can Genpath promote a manager to VP who was on the take from JL. Too many skeletons. DF is a tool & cannot be trusted! BRLI is really a awful, they have some good science but awful Sopranos's management.

The person asking these question is trying to figure out whether or not to invest in BRLI stock, not whether to take a job. That is why the questions don't sound like they make sense...think of it from an investment perspective, not a job perspective.

The person asking these question is trying to figure out whether or not to invest in BRLI stock, not whether to take a job. That is why the questions don't sound like they make sense...think of it from an investment perspective, not a job perspective.

The time to invest was when I did-about 10 years ago when the stock was $ 1.00. If you are thinking the company will be bought, my opinion is I doubt it.