Can we talk about talent..?


Can comment on some of the medical hires.
People with less than 2-3 years experience being promoted to a director level and have no real experience of doing any strategy or launch work. A few chosen ones even promoted to a senior director. It’s quite shocking and demotivating to others who have put in a lot more work and are better qualified.

There was a time where Merck hired the best and the brightest. Scientists were from the top schools leaning from the best.

Now, an increasing number of our talent pool come from the bottom 25 percentile noncompetive schools.

Our leaders are recruiting these 4th rate talent - folks who can talk and use the latest buzz words, brings in consultants, and just copies what other companies that are leading the way and say we did it first.

And these hacks come in and say they are just as good if not better than those being recruited from top paying firms.

HR stated publicly that they will never pay top dollar for talent (that is unless they are buddies with the existing leadership).

As for sales, now we are just looking for folks that have an incomplete community college or a high school diploma.