can we take company car to canada?


I know we can drive and use our work cars for personal and drive in any state. I am curios though if we can drive them into canada. I might go on vacation this summer up there and it would be nice to take the forest ride. I know I could ask forest but I just figured you all might know.


I know we can drive and use our work cars for personal and drive in any state. I am curios though if we can drive them into canada. I might go on vacation this summer up there and it would be nice to take the forest ride. I know I could ask forest but I just figured you all might know.


no, you can only go to mexico

I know we can drive and use our work cars for personal and drive in any state. I am curios though if we can drive them into canada. I might go on vacation this summer up there and it would be nice to take the forest ride. I know I could ask forest but I just figured you all might know.


maybe you could drive off a cliff