Can we share any good news?

Hah! Wrong again stupid, I work at the home office. DM's are beneath me. Now speaking of good news at least we have an experienced, competent team of upper managers and executives who are talented and principled.

Hah! Wrong again stupid, I work at the home office. DM's are beneath me. Now speaking of good news at least we have an experienced, competent team of upper managers and executives who are talented and principled.

Principled? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! How about being talented in classless and chicken shit. Stop lying to yourself and every poor soul that has to follow the chickens without a head that is called management. Please get a clue before you are forced to rid yourself of this company. I am tired of following the backwards decisions being made. Don't tell me I can leave if I don't like it. Because management has not left yet for their failures. Must be nice living large without a concern for losing your job for failing at it. Stop using others to show your making changes by getting rid of them, when they cannot factor in on managements poor decisions. "Man in the Mirror" Stop chasing the numbers by removing people to make the company look more profitable. Your fucking with my future and the futrue of others. Please get a clue and get your head out of the clouds before it becomes too late.

Principled? Don't tell me I can leave if I don't like it. Because management has not left yet for their failures. Must be nice living large without a concern for losing your job for failing at it. Stop using others to show your making changes by getting rid of them, when they cannot factor in on managements poor decisions. "Man in the Mirror" Stop chasing the numbers by removing people to make the company look more profitable. Your fucking with my future and the futrue of others.

Wow, well said. Who in upper management has been held accountable for their failures? Where are the products? Where is the long term strategy that will keep us in the game? "The Boys" are not held accountable and we all know why. And they will continue to "fuck" with anyone's life and future because they will protect themselves at all costs. Sadly, they are being protected because they are viewed as "loyal" and their willingness to fuck anyone over for the "good of the company" is seen as admirable. Pathetic, isn't it? They certainly don't hold their positions because of their experience or skill.

I think we should clean house, and let's start with the "top layer of fat." Honestly, do you think we need all these managers? And if we were starting today would these be the managers we would hire? So we're going to be a CNS company, real pharma, and TB and SH and EH and all those boys are going to lead us there??? How??? If we were a public company would you invest with these clowns running the show? What in their resumes qualifies them to take us into the future?

I think we should clean house, and let's start with the "top layer of fat." Honestly, do you think we need all these managers? And if we were starting today would these be the managers we would hire? So we're going to be a CNS company, real pharma, and TB and SH and EH and all those boys are going to lead us there??? How??? If we were a public company would you invest with these clowns running the show? What in their resumes qualifies them to take us into the future?

Well they're boys and they're white and they're republican and they'll do anything they're told. Duh?!