
OK.........Let's be totally real here.

When you have a lunch and "sell" a clinic and your DVP tells you to put a totally bogus number of potential confirmations what purpose does this have? Make your DVP look like a rock star? We all hear about these reps signing and boarding clinics producing SO MUCH BUSINESS......but they never seem to appear in the sample scorecard.

So news flash...if you concentrate on building the relationship instead of just closing every lunch and never really getting any sample volume then the rep and Castle both win.

Quit asking me to get more Initial contacts and presentations, and in the next breath tell me to not mess with C clinics. There are only so many A and B accounts in a geographical area. Let me work on them and build the relationship and SHUT UP about initial contacts!

Also......SCREW YOUR BOOK CLUBS......Maybe try training the reps and caring about actually being a successful lab instead of your stupid book clubs. FYI We all think you guys are a JOKE....and WE ALL TALK TO EACH OTHER!!!

Book club? There is a book club going on? Looks like all the Divisions aren't getting the notifications for this.

Lets look at their whole 3 lunches a week requirement. Lets say we have 3 lunches a week and each lunch costs us $100 ( that's a fair amount). That's $300 a week right there. Now, lets multiply that by 4 (average number of weeks in a month), that's $2,700 a month right there. This is a KPI that we're required to meet, but Castle will only pay for a "pre budgeted" amount of that expense. So, we then have to decide if we're going to cancel a lunch to be able to fill up our gas tank, buy groceries, pay bills etc. Is that really a culture that anyone would want to continue to work in?

If we happen to go over that expense. It will not be reimbursed, but if we don't keep doing presentations we'll lose our job. So, the system has been purposely set up for failure. T

he turnover rate is known and understood. The hire and fire process, while expanding, is a clear sign that the company is struggling financially. We don't see any quarterly reports to back up their projected claims of us being a multi million dollar profitable company within years end.

Book club? There is a book club going on? Looks like all the Divisions aren't getting the notifications for this.

Lets look at their whole 3 lunches a week requirement. Lets say we have 3 lunches a week and each lunch costs us $100 ( that's a fair amount). That's $300 a week right there. Now, lets multiply that by 4 (average number of weeks in a month), that's $2,700 a month right there. This is a KPI that we're required to meet, but Castle will only pay for a "pre budgeted" amount of that expense. So, we then have to decide if we're going to cancel a lunch to be able to fill up our gas tank, buy groceries, pay bills etc. Is that really a culture that anyone would want to continue to work in?

If we happen to go over that expense. It will not be reimbursed, but if we don't keep doing presentations we'll lose our job. So, the system has been purposely set up for failure. T

he turnover rate is known and understood. The hire and fire process, while expanding, is a clear sign that the company is struggling financially. We don't see any quarterly reports to back up their projected claims of us being a multi million dollar profitable company within years end.

You might want to get a new calculator... $300 multiplied by 4 weeks is $1,200

$100 for a lunch with an A or B target?! These are usually larger offices/clinics with more employees. Do you buy them Taco Bell?! Do you live in the backwoods of Alabama?! Yeah, so those types of lunches cost more in this century and in areas where the population is more than 2,500 residents. Another disconnect from corporate that was no idea what really goes on in other parts of the country.

During our training one of the DVP's stood up and said they had no expense reimbursement and that he put off his electric bill to do lunches.

Then he was either 1099, full of crap, or really enjoys living off the grid. Would make sense if he was invested in the company, otherwise it's just a stupid thing to do.

Clearly the $1200 is not sufficient to do three lunches per week. If you can do a smaller office for $100 that is great but often you have larger offices and that is not possible. Rob bragged that he only took lunch in once to his largest account. We are competing with companies who have larger budgets. A car allowance or company car is most common and that includes gas. You cannot do the job in most territories for the $1200 per month that is required of you. That makes the $52,000 salary which is low for the industry even lower. Then on top of that you have no way of knowing if you are being paid for the samples that are sent in.