Can this stock be anymore pathetic?

This stock and company will be nothing more than a case study in the very near future

A case study on how a company can take a great product with enormous potential and run it into the ground with crap management and piss poor marketing. Or you could go down the road of the importance of being able to defend your parents properly. Let’s bring the MBA and Law students together to discuss this one.

You’re all a bunch of muppets.

Why did they hire that many reps for one product? Pay your people more. You get what you pay for and it’s not a bunch of people running around acting like caterers.

Why did they hire that many reps for one product? Pay your people more. You get what you pay for and it’s not a bunch of people running around acting like caterers.

No Question they hired too many but the product was DOA based on how shitty the managed care coverage was. Doctors who were sold just gave up because of the pain in the ass it is to get covered, or the cost to the patient. It was not worth their time to deal w/ the managed care hassle. That is the biggest reason why this shit sunk like a stone.

I heard they won't make changes until January and they are locked into keeping everything the same until end of the year. But it won't be long after that they start laying off if sales don't improve.

No Question they hired too many but the product was DOA based on how shitty the managed care coverage was. Doctors who were sold just gave up because of the pain in the ass it is to get covered, or the cost to the patient. It was not worth their time to deal w/ the managed care hassle. That is the biggest reason why this shit sunk like a stone.

It is nice to hear a response from someone who can get to the point and knows how to complete a sentence. The area manager keeps talking about a National meeting. That is the last thing that is needed. Stop having meetings and spending money and sell the product.

I heard they won't make changes until January and they are locked into keeping everything the same until end of the year. But it won't be long after that they start laying off if sales don't improve.

JT and Karim are all talk about the future but simply cannot stop the sales slide in US or get EU going. Expect stock to slide into 2’s with massive layoff very soon.

JT and Karim are all talk about the future but simply cannot stop the sales slide in US or get EU going. Expect stock to slide into 2’s with massive layoff very soon.

KM is in way over his head just like JT. Generics and COVID are the reality and nobody has figured out how to address these challenges. Marketing is still terrible, people still don’t know about the product and when they do the pharmacies just automatically switch to generic because “their systems aren’t set up to address the difference in indications” which is basically pure incompetence and theft.

KM needs to figure out how to slow the generics tide in the US quickly because EU sales are going to come very slowly, especially with new COVID surge. I don’t think he can which means more layoffs and maybe ultimately sale of the company for mid single digits is inevitable. It’s amazing that this product hasn’t been sold to big Pharma yet. I can only assume they don’t want it due to patent loss or JT and BOD wanted a higher number and turned it down to go it alone which honestly means the death will be slower because they don’t have what it takes.

Get those resumes together folks.