Can I provide my own car and get an "allownce/mileage"?

Why would you do that? You would never be reimbursed enough to offset, gas, wear & tear (mileage), depreciation, insurance, etc... Mileage reimbursement is almost always a losing proposition. Companies try to get away with something close to the tax reimbursement of 0.555/mile. Or a $500/month allowance. Try and rent or lease a vehicle for that - you can't. Take the company car and gas card and regular maintanance, etc... you will be better off. Less hassle too. However, if money is no object and you want to drive your own personal luxury car around all day - starting and stopping the engine, dings in parking lot, etc... then go for it!

OP, yes you can provide your own transportation IF no fleet car is provided...why on God's green earth would you want to drive your own vehicle if fleet car provided (unless your total idiot or this job is just a hobby for shoe money)

What a bunch of dumb asses you inventive morons are. You really know nothing about car allowances do you? A person can do very well with an older vehicle in a larger territory with a lot of miles driven. You little rent a rep punks think you know it all don't you.

You can make money if you 'report' miles but don't drive them...companies aren't stupid like us rent a reps and don't have fleet mileage plans to be bonus to rep...if you add up all the costs to operate your own vehicle its not worth it. OK you may be the super smart guy and edge out $40 profit on the plan (just hope you don't have to replace the ol'transmission with all that money your making)

Depends on the size of your territory.. If you have a territory that is huge and you are putting on 120+ miles a day, the $500 monthly and heavily taxed car allowance with .19 per mile reimbursement you are operating at a loss b/c you are putting alot of wear and tear on the car and the .19 does not even balance your out of pocket gas expenses. . If you have a small territory, you are better off with your own car...