Can I get laid off if prego?

If you are legit sick you can get off early for things like gestational diabetes
talk to your doctor if you don't feel well. All the job anxiety will affect your health
& your babies

You can get laid off if you are on std. A girl in our region was on std because she had breast cancer. She was contacted while on std and displaced. The only time std saves you is if you are being let go for performance not a downsizing. The consultants don't know or care that you are pregnant or have cancer. They use business rules that apply equally to everyone.

You can get laid off if you are on std. A girl in our region was on std because she had breast cancer. She was contacted while on std and displaced. The only time std saves you is if you are being let go for performance not a downsizing. The consultants don't know or care that you are pregnant or have cancer. They use business rules that apply equally to everyone.

This is true. In fact, it's a legal issue. They can't play favors to let someone else have their job just because there is a health issue. That's discriminating against someone who is healthy.

STD only goes as long as the last date of employment at which time, according to our termination letter (Dec 8, 2010), ends all benefits with STD. Go for LTD as quick as you can during the two months before temination date. After that, you are shot. I went on STD due to surgery I had after last year "phone call" from Manager. My surgery was the next week in December so I could us my vacation balance and last week of year to rest (I did not think of being displaced). NVS stated that since I was notified I would be displaced, that STD was not viable, nor was LTD. I have had complications from the surgery...back bones not healing properly. Not surgeons fault, however, surgeon is suggesting SSD (only 3000 mo.) He stated that this is probably from 15 years of windshield time in a car (big territories) and hauling a bag around. I am now speaking with an attorney because I was disallowed the insurance that I paid for, STD and LTD. Good Luck

Yes, you can get laid off when pregnant AND you can also get harassed while working in a discriminatory and hostile work environment IF you work for Novartis! Better off gone and enjoy a nice pregnancy!