Can crowdfunding change medical costs?



I am a scientist and a former manager from the pharmaceutical industry. I dedicated my life to bringing new cancer treatments to patients.

I've watched the science and good ideas of several projects fall victim to the financial timeline of the current system for bringing new treatments out, and I am trying something new in getting a good idea off the ground in cancer treatment.

This is not only an important step in exploring an innovative and potentially game-changing cancer treatment, it's also a step forward in the industry. It could help reduce costs and increase access.

The difference between this idea and some of the other therapies on test is that this has several years of actual human clinical data to back it up. The major difference is that the funding for it is grassroots, rather than driven by someone who doesn't understand the science of the idea.

I am asking you to watch the video and consider sharing it with your networks.

Thanks for your help,

Lisa Catterall