Can anyone share


hi I've been at the company for a while, I'm just sick of using the same catering companies for all my lunches. My family is also getting sick me bringing home the same meals from the same catering companies that I order extras from. Its like so repeat, same food over and over. Its all I do, I just drop off lunches, get my nails done, and then leave territory at like 3 pm to go get my kids with the warm extras I ordered. Anyway, does anyone know of any good catering companies for the Chicago area? I remember the days when KS was the RD, I like so miss him. Anyway, every day I drive extra miles and watch my milage grow so I can get my new car sooner. Well thanks for anyone leaving me some good catering companies.. I'm like sssso happy the company has like turn into like a real sorority. This is like my fav place to work. I could just sit with my team and watch the Kardashians during a POA and talk about getting my nails done and feel just fuzzy. Oh also, ive been trying to get my reach and frequency up so I can achieve my quarterly bonus. I think if I increase my frequency and close on every call I will get there.


I quit with the catering choices and dealing with the gluten free, vegan, no mayo, No More from.., No diet Coke, diet Pepsi ok, dressing on side, order for 20 minimum (knowing 7 staff and 1 doc may show) requests...I keep it plain simple...No more options or choices.. Order from same place every time, Turkey or Ham, standard sides, Ice Tea sweet/unsweet, cookie..makes it simple.. I do this with 85% of my offices.

..the remainder I just ask the doc or docs (no more than 2 at a time) to meet me at a good quick place to grab lunch...Share some war stories and street gossip, mention my product (30 seconds) talk treating pts and how to get paid and make money...(gee that's $12.00 lunch per doc, for 30 minutes sitting in a lunch booth, where doc can talk openly about his pain in the rear staff, what's going on at hospital etc....) next visit in I just smile , wave sample box and say there's a good BBQ place we should try next time....

since i have had kids,i put some weight on eating all these lunches. my husband won't look at me and now im worried about my job. I sent a nude to my manager and he sent me back a dic pic. I think im gonna be protected from this next lay off.

since i have had kids,i put some weight on eating all these lunches. my husband won't look at me and now im worried about my job. I sent a nude to my manager and he sent me back a dic pic. I think im gonna be protected from this next lay off.

Speaking of layoffs, you need to lay off the carbs fattie. Learn how to say ‘no thanks’ to seconds. Why do you think your hubby trolls the local high schools and movie theaters?