Cambridge, MA meeting


Can't wait to role play away and get up in front of the room to show everyone how amazing I am at detailing. I hope they force the reps who never get up, yet are ranked high and are favored by their DSM "friends", to get up and role play in front of the room too or at least make a few intelligent comments.

If they try that shit on me, I will politely refuse to get up. I am not a monkey on a leash to be prodded to do something that is personally embarrassing to me. I will role play with whatever idiot they want me to, one on one, but they can't force me to "perform" and do something that I find totally offensive. Someone has to stand up to these morons!

Lilly goes to the Disney Institute and actually does something beneficial and good old lazy/cheap AZ comes up with role playing sun up to sunrise. And they wonder why morale has gone to hell.

they aren't the brightest bunch of dsms, rsds, trainers and don't care that your morale is low.
Tell them you will role play if they will role play too. I have only seen one RSD in my entire career do a credible sales presentation in front of the room. And he did it before anyone else was asked to volunteer. I still thought the whole thing was ridiculous though. And of course he is no longer with the company.

What a fantastic idea. Put reps around a table and take turns role playing, change the rules as we go, change the "verbage" as we go, oh and get graded by whoever picks up the evaluation paper. What a Joke.
And RI was sick, imagine if he felt better?
CB was at her best, telling the room what was important to her... as was told to her by RI, who was told by KB, who was told by RW.

To RI: you went to the BMS launch meeting for Onglyza and should have learned there how to run a real meeting. Sure Onglyza marketing materials were a total joke, no data, no info, but the meeting ran like a top. They know what they're doing at BMS. I've worked at other pharma companies and their meetings are similarly well-executed. Every time I'm at an AZ meeting I feel like there must be a hidden camera and we're on an episode of The Office. I never saw such dramatic lack of professionalism. The worst was the meeting in Texas where they squandered an hour giving an award to a veteran, then told us to hang around for like 3 hours till the other teams could be done their meetings, the room smelled like sewage, etc. It's so off-putting to be held to a standard of perfection when roleplaying while the management is half-assing it through their jobs. So uninspiring. So galling. I hate it when they tell us that what we are experiencing in the field is our imagination. It's dysfunction in it's purest state.