Calling all Sleep Apnea reps: Respironics vs ResMed vs Fisher & Paykel


Hello all. I’m looking to gather some additional info for an upcoming interview and wondering if anyone has a deeper understanding of the Sleep Apnea medical space and the growing market trends?
I’m entertaining an “unofficial” offer with 3rd largest provider, Fisher & Paykel, but looking to expand my knowledge on all 3 companies (Philips Respironics, ResMed and F&P), in hopes to better understand the competition within this industry.

- What’s the market share percentages of this space?
- Outside of fitment and comfort, Why chose one device over the competitor?
- What’s the price point of these masks, humidifiers, etc?
- Any new products in the pipeline that will be game changers?
Any and all info is appreciated…


Here you go

ResMed and Respironics own a major share of the market
F and P plays in some markets but not most. Since there is an opening in your area I am guessing FnP is not well penetrated. Some of their masks are ok but the big companies are launching new stuff more often
The market is being controlled by insurance company cuts these days an customers are looking for cheap and good enough
It is becoming less of a clinical sell every day and ASPs are dropping regularly

F&P is too hard to sell in most areas. The big companies all have contracts with Resmed or Respironics so that's what patients are set up with. My company specifically tells us to let the F & P rep come in a bring us free lunch, but we co market with the reps from the other 2 because we have big contracts with them. F& P is little money. Look at ResMed or Respironics. They both have some expansion going on and will be hiring soon. Hold out for a much better gig. IMO

Don't waste your time. I work for a top DME company and we don't use F&P much at all. We have contracts with the other 2 companies & they have more money. The Dr's have better relationships with Resmed & Respironics & I've heard that they entertain them to no avail to keep that relationship going. F&P has a hard way to go to get more business. You should look at the other 2 if you want to make serious money. IMO

Hello all. I’m looking to gather some additional info for an upcoming interview and wondering if anyone has a deeper understanding of the Sleep Apnea medical space and the growing market trends?
I’m entertaining an “unofficial” offer with 3rd largest provider, Fisher & Paykel, but looking to expand my knowledge on all 3 companies (Philips Respironics, ResMed and F&P), in hopes to better understand the competition within this industry.

- What’s the market share percentages of this space?
- Outside of fitment and comfort, Why chose one device over the competitor?
- What’s the price point of these masks, humidifiers, etc?
- Any new products in the pipeline that will be game changers?
Any and all info is appreciated…
Respironics and Resmed are major players go to one of them.

Respironics is an amazing company! They treat the reps real good and go above and beyond with benefits. My friend works there and he said they have some new stuff coming out and will be expanding their sales force in October. Not sure what area you are in but I'm definitely applying and using my friend as a reference to get in. Good luck