Call from Pharmacy Director This Week


Got an angry and emotional call on Monday morning from a pharmacy director (which I am losing in the alignment so it is no longer my problem) and they told me that the name Mallinckrodt has such a bad reputation that they will make sure no future drugs ever go on formulary. Formulary agenda requests will be immediately rejected.

Perhaps an eminent sale of Mallinckrodt is near? They have to know it will be impossible to launch another hospital drug under the Mallinckrodt name. Perhaps they will get smart and give a division a different company name and they are simply just a division of Mallinckrodt.

Funny this is being brought up. This is all I have been hearing in my territory. The company name is synonymous with trash now. It's sad how many years we have all been in the industry and we have become the punching bags and our personal reputations are the ones being compromised. I mean WTF. Who would want to attempt a drug launch here?

One of my surgeons who is a great friend for the past 12 years and great supporter has encouraged me to look for other opportunities as he knows as new drug launch under the name Mallinckrodt won't go through. These days, pharmacy can prevent anything. But even as my friend, he is terribly mad as he put his name on the line for this drug and went to two P&T meetings for me and then felt the company let him down and made him look back within the hospital. I get crapped on every day now so I agree that I can't imagine then going back to these physicians and saying hey we are launching this new drug at Mallinckrodt will you help me? They won't put their names on the line anymore

One of my surgeons who is a great friend for the past 12 years and great supporter has encouraged me to look for other opportunities as he knows as new drug launch under the name Mallinckrodt won't go through. These days, pharmacy can prevent anything. But even as my friend, he is terribly mad as he put his name on the line for this drug and went to two P&T meetings for me and then felt the company let him down and made him look back within the hospital. I get crapped on every day now so I agree that I can't imagine then going back to these physicians and saying hey we are launching this new drug at Mallinckrodt will you help me? They won't put their names on the line anymore

He's terribly mad? Now that's mad.

so 66 million q4. so to reach 350 million for the year just need 70 q1, 82 q2, 92 q3 and 106 q4.
A 20% mid yr price rest set should do the trick or the increased sales from the 40 new hsss(which will cost 10 million annually)

We will not hit 350 million! The the shit will hit the fan! Cadence did not want to agree to this number! It won't happen. Next year peoe will feel the pressure! And leave!

Cadence did not agree to this number? WTF? As far as I know Cadence is gone! If you know something I don't, please share. If you think Mallinckrodt cares about your opinion as a former Cadence Employee, from Jim on down, you are trippin! (Which most days is not a bad thing)

Cadence did not agree to this number? WTF? As far as I know Cadence is gone! If you know something I don't, please share. If you think Mallinckrodt cares about your opinion as a former Cadence Employee, from Jim on down, you are trippin! (Which most days is not a bad thing)

I believe they just meant our original culture, but you're right that culture is now gone. Do what you can for now, but plan to leave when they have a new drug to launch.

if I had to guess Q1 wont even beat Q4 sales.
jimmy is praying to god that this week is above last week so he can scream from the mountain top that sales are trending up. needs that one big account to time.
Following week is thanksgiving.

Cadence did not agree to this number? WTF? As far as I know Cadence is gone! If you know something I don't, please share. If you think Mallinckrodt cares about your opinion as a former Cadence Employee, from Jim on down, you are trippin! (Which most days is not a bad thing)

Haha, that's the truth. I'm with Cadence, oops I meant Mallinckrodt and that shit is real. This sucks, but that's reality.