Call centers?

Just consider that many people who have went through bankruptsy then are able to secure new financing, easier than before filing.
Rotech will once again be on the big board with a decent stock price very soon. This BK was a godsend.

This company is going private, no big board here. Just investors looking to suck the last bit of blood out of its patients and its employees.

This company is on borrowed time

I have an extra small truck delivery vehicle I don't use very often if someone wants to borrow it, for which maybe I could borrow your PST for a few days.
If you're wonderin why I'm allowed to have an extra vehicle, it's the same reasons that I still pay to have my office windows washed and have my carpet runners picked up and cleaned ( instead of just vacuuming them).

I have an extra small truck delivery vehicle I don't use very often if someone wants to borrow it, for which maybe I could borrow your PST for a few days.
If you're wonderin why I'm allowed to have an extra vehicle, it's the same reasons that I still pay to have my office windows washed and have my carpet runners picked up and cleaned ( instead of just vacuuming them).

And the Little Engine who thinks I can....I think I can....proves once again they are still whining about their loss of their SR job and wants back in the fold.

You too must see the GREAT strides that Rotech is going to make...the CSR continues to embrace you...keep you in the start thinking again.....I THINK I CAN ...I THINK I CAN....and you too can have a job at Rotech. Apply already for that LCM job you have been envious over since you left. GO FOR IT!

And the Little Engine who thinks I can....I think I can....proves once again they are still whining about their loss of their SR job and wants back in the fold.

You too must see the GREAT strides that Rotech is going to make...the CSR continues to embrace you...keep you in the start thinking again.....I THINK I CAN ...I THINK I CAN....and you too can have a job at Rotech. Apply already for that LCM job you have been envious over since you left. GO FOR IT!

Coming back to Rotech?
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha!
Thanks for the laugh!

And the Little Engine who thinks I can....I think I can....proves once again they are still whining about their loss of their SR job and wants back in the fold.

You too must see the GREAT strides that Rotech is going to make...the CSR continues to embrace you...keep you in the start thinking again.....I THINK I CAN ...I THINK I CAN....and you too can have a job at Rotech. Apply already for that LCM job you have been envious over since you left. GO FOR IT!

Imagine working for rotech......
Very funny!
Thanks for the laugh

This company is on borrowed time

That would be to bad. There are many good employees separate from the ones who just come in and put in their time.

Employees who really embrace dealing with their patients as if they are a valued family member. The employees who look at the good they can do within the constraints of a big DME.

Imagine working for rotech......
Very funny!
Thanks for the laugh

Hey - - you forgot to try and hide who you are in #9 post & repeated a line in #10. But really at this point, it has to be difficult to keep the bile from building up in your gut over and over.

Rotech IS going to come back and be stronger because thankfully previous workers like you can be seen a mile away. You also still refuse to face adult reasoning in that YOU are responsible for the loss of your SR job and not the LCM you whine about all the time.

For someone who attempts to bash Rotech so often, attempting to turn every thread on this board...why do you still care? Why do you still stay in contact with the CSR there for "insider info" for both of you to feed on?

Cut those strings and sit back and watch Rotech be competitive in the DME them build their reputation back over the coming could have been part of that, but for you, and your way of thinking/acting.

But hey, Rotech is fair and I am sure they would be open to have you put in the app for the LCM job....have fun.

Hey - - you forgot to try and hide who you are in #9 post & repeated a line in #10. But really at this point, it has to be difficult to keep the bile from building up in your gut over and over.

Rotech IS going to come back and be stronger because thankfully previous workers like you can be seen a mile away. You also still refuse to face adult reasoning in that YOU are responsible for the loss of your SR job and not the LCM you whine about all the time.

For someone who attempts to bash Rotech so often, attempting to turn every thread on this board...why do you still care? Why do you still stay in contact with the CSR there for "insider info" for both of you to feed on?

Cut those strings and sit back and watch Rotech be competitive in the DME them build their reputation back over the coming could have been part of that, but for you, and your way of thinking/acting.

But hey, Rotech is fair and I am sure they would be open to have you put in the app for the LCM job....have fun.

Wrong on everything, and especially that rotech will once again be strong........and even more so with an LCM who continues to get away with what ruined the branch in the first place.
No one in their right mind would return to a company like rotech, who was and still is afraid to fire someone like you know who.

What exactly is a you know who anyway?

Come on, do we need to buy you a "clapper" to keep up? :)

Almost everyone by now can pick up the writing style of the "resident troll" who spews bile about their favorite subject. That fav subject being the LCM who had the guts to get rid of the dead weight in their store. Unlike other LCM's in a few locations that tolerate it because they are afraid of rocking the boat and or having to take on the SR job themselves. With one of the strong rumors going around that Rotech is atttmepting to change the bulk of LCM's to SLM's...good for that LCM to ditch the SR before the entire customer base was gone.

What really needs to happen now is once and for all get the other "location employee" in line with the Rotech way....doing your intake job and taking care of the customers.

Rotech is no worse than any of the other DME's read the other boards here and you will see that Rotech can only go up!

No one is being let go. In fact, looks like we'll grow.
Things are looking up!

Call Centers will be the long overdue EXORCIST for those locations that seem to never get it quite right when dealing with the intake of orders.

IF the call centers should come into play, it will take away the "local" spin on what are the rules to qualify a new O2 set up or any item in any given location.

Across the board they will also provide a huge sigh of relief for the Compliance Department in that only ONE rule (the one of the Ins carrier & not someone who feels they know it all) will be followed when doing an intake.

Even if CSR's would go down to one per location, with a call center taking the bulk of the intake/entry maybe now some of them can focus on embracing their customers and increasing the service which will build the business.

Come on, do we need to buy you a "clapper" to keep up? :)

Almost everyone by now can pick up the writing style of the "resident troll" who spews bile about their favorite subject. That fav subject being the LCM who had the guts to get rid of the dead weight in their store. Unlike other LCM's in a few locations that tolerate it because they are afraid of rocking the boat and or having to take on the SR job themselves. With one of the strong rumors going around that Rotech is atttmepting to change the bulk of LCM's to SLM's...good for that LCM to ditch the SR before the entire customer base was gone.

What really needs to happen now is once and for all get the other "location employee" in line with the Rotech way....doing your intake job and taking care of the customers.

Rotech is no worse than any of the other DME's read the other boards here and you will see that Rotech can only go up!

Dead weight? There have been a lot of people leaving there ( both SR's and PST's) since then, and its down to just an LCM and CSR for quite some time now.
I guess they were all (also) dead weight then, huh?
Anyone knowing the subject matter here knows that the poison had yet to be fired. It is actually AM's who are too afraid to fire on the basis that it is THEY who will have to take up the slack.

Meanwhile, business will continue avoiding the matter what b.s. they're saying here----just consider that ( yet another) PST has not been hired for a long time now.

It is true that not all locations are bad, and are staffed by very good people who are trying their best to cope with the dysfunctional Rotech system. They bend over backwards to convince referral sources that they are just as good AFTER being purchased by Rotech as BEFORE being purchased.
And for that, they deserve much credit.

The Call Center will be just like eIntake, eforms, AHCC, Pulmodose and Sleep Centeral.
If it works at all it will suffer major downtime and will never be 100%
It will cost more business than it will generate.

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